Ridiculously overdetailed catchup post! (Watch out, Radioactive man!)

Mar 02, 2009 23:49

You guys, I was so accomplished today, you don't even know.

...okay, I was less accomlished at work where everything seemed to take ten times longer than usual and I managed to do, like, two things and then somehow it was already half-past eight, but whatever.

Today I have: had a follow-up contacts appt (omg they were so disorganised; OPSM you are not impressing me at all here), got okayed to get contacts again, thoroughly intend to order some off the internet from now on anyway because they are much cheaper and I know I don't need the astigmatism ones (phew! still mild enough to ignore!), and got a new computer (9" Eee PC, shiny black with vague sparkle effect; it is adoooooorable, although my omgstubbyitis is meaning I am keymashing a little bit still. Hopefully practice will fix this.)

I also booked my flight from Boston to Chicago (and got it $6 cheaper by cunning use of the exchange rate differences on various sites; I am a sad sad person, aren't I?), found a dirt-cheap rental car for Operation: Cab-babies!, booked my travel insurance (cheaper than expected! not that I am complaining!), tidied my room up at least 30% of the way, set up the new alarm clock blademistress and stickmarionette gave me for Christmas (sample dialogue: "DON'T YOU DARE MAKE ME READ THE MANUAL! [minute passes] HA I WIN!"), deleted all traces of my internet presence from the loan laptop, caught up today's LJ aaaand... okay, I didn't manage to exercise other than the usual running around at work, but hopefully tomorrow I can accomplish that as well as the usual business.

Tomorrow I should be able to get my last flight and book the car, and then I am ALL ORGANISED for operation: USA09, other than packing and getting foreign currency, both of which will doubtless make me cry and whine to LJ closer to the time. Tomorrow I also especially need to tidy more of my room (omg disaster area), pack for Hastings (ahahaha business trip. so exotic!) and... there was something else but it escapes me now.

And to make up for that appalling block of text above, this is not a recap ["that's not a recap! THIS is a recap!" "...I see you've played FBR-stalky before!" /Fangirls vs Australia]:

This is the best I managed of Pete all weekend, I think. The lighting really was not terribly helpful, and boy moves a lot. (I feel we should get bonus points for not taking pictures in, say, good natural lighting in situations where he was NOT moving, is all I am saying. Really. Because we could have. But we chose to be classy instead. *snicker*)

PStump (and a 504plan hat. Bestill my heart. We're pretty sure it's a Bowie badge on it too, yeah?). <33333

It pains me to the depths of my soul that this did not focus. Admittedly, I was not actually using the viewfinder at all; I was aiming and hoping because I was busy watching that with my actual eyes. It was PRETTY.

This is doubtless the best photo I took all weekend. I'm really not quite sure how. Clearly my camera is a mystery never fully explained (and I should maybe read the manual or figure out if playing with the settings helps before someone gets hit by a chandelier. It's so much better in casual P+S settings than the old one that I perhaps expected a little bit too much from it in a concert setting on automatic.)

I have an entire sequence of bunnyears pics; this is just the funniest one. :D

Virtually the only in focus-ish picture I got of any of Hey Monday all tour and... they all have their backs to me. Le sigh. They were having some kind of technical difficulty. This is Auckland. You can tell by the way there are not 203948209 people in front of me. :D

Oddly enough, Cassadee - for all that she is both adorable and gorgeous - was not, this time, what I was trying to get in shot. Heeeeeeeee. Hey Monday, A+++ Decaydance signing.

3/5 of Hey Monday in silhouette, trolling FOB after being thwarted at least three times in revenge stage invasion plans. They are MOST PRECIOUS and I adore them all ridicuously much. (See jocondite's post for a much better view of the sign that I-think-it's-Jersey is holding up here.)

I do also have video of the stage invasion during Homecoming - sadly it jumps for about five seconds early on - there was a crazy push on barrier and a bunch of us nearly got shoved off, and the sound is appalling (does anyone know a way to strip that when-you-were-unavoidably-standing-right-in-front-of-the-speaker-stack thruuuuuuuuuuuuum noise?) and, as Pete bitched, it is going to take approximately five or six hours to upload it, so hopefully later this week for that. It was absolutely one of the most hilarious and adorable things I have ever seen, though. &Decaydance;

...sorry. It's one of those oblique references days. Mondo bonus points to anyone who can get the more obscure and paraphrased ones, at least.

there's no half-life for fandom, cassadee and her emo boy minions, picspam, all american rejects, usa09, australia09

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