Seriously. Every time I take a weekend away from the internet!

Feb 01, 2009 21:49

-My open tabs are quite literally half the love meme over at Liz's. &youguys; (Okay, really, it's 25+ tabs. I'm going to have to come back to that tomorrow, guys, it's way too late now.)
-I totally bought an awesome pajama top today. This shit is b-a-n-a-n-a-s, people. Literally! :D
-I'm still having irrational guilt over killing our tuna salad yesterday. (We had half of it for lunch and it was glorious, and then we put the rest in the car while we spent almost four hours walking around the Hamilton Gardens (pics when I get my shit together), with the unfortunate effect, since the carpark was in direct sunlight, of completely killing the remaining salad. And it was so goooooooooood.) I am also having pretty rational guilt over having left my phone in my bag in another room last night after we got back, and thus missing eight (!) calls from my dad wanting to know if I was coming home. Admittedly I think I'd told him at least three times that I was staying over, but I always worry like crazy when my mum does stuff like that so... felt bad. DDD:
-I probably spent too much money today but two of the four Things I bought were mentally scheduled to get bought sometime, so it could be worse. Also I didn't buy a fucking pie even though I wanted one. (Admittedly, I was massively enabled in this healthy step by the fact that every single meat pie they had boasted their "famous onion-enriched gravy". Fuck. That. Shit. *fussy*)
-I say "dude" way, way too much for someone who is neither a surfer nor a ninja turtle. I am just saying. I mean. Dude. ...damnit.

hamiltron, i fail at life, ange

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