(no subject)

Jan 24, 2009 21:16

Hey, guys. Thanks for the comments and all on the last post, appreciate it. For those of you keeping track at home, it's now almost 9pm on Saturday and the neighbour is STILL making noise/drinking/playing music/playing pool. Mum is fairly sure it was about 1pm yesterday when he started. Yes, that's 32 hours. I don't know how the fuck he is actually still alive, ugh. *on hold with noise control again*

In news of things that I completely forgot in the wretched pool of urrrgh yesterday afternoon, I was awarded the maximum possible Kiwi Bloke Points at lunch, in that we took a carful of us down to the shops for ice cream, and because we were bringing one back for someone else, we came straight back, so I drove a manual transmission while eating a large ice cream cone and didn't spill a drop (or drive badly). \o/ *giggles*

And, because I am somewhat lame, here, a meme (a stealthy meme! Ray, a drop of golden suntotal guitar god! *forcibly stops self*):

1. I'm left-handed. Just like Barack Obama! *snickers* Although I throw right-handed, which I suspect is an artifact of primary school.

2. I was in the 'blue' house at both primary school and in high school, although in high school of course they swished it all up and 'blue' was 'Kelso', after one of the monasteries where St Cuthbert lived at one point. We were kind of the house that lost everything consistently except the science and technology cup, though (which, okay, ego hello, was mostly because me and Chris were AWESOME. *high-fives*)

3. The only monetary prize I ever won at school was in Maths. MATHS. ME. This will never not be hilarious. (Maths! In which I have also got the only Cs of my life! Ha!)

4. I baked gingerbread cookies today, and accidently put a bit too much flour in but they still taste okay. Mostly I'm just impressed with myself for remembering to freeze half the dough for next time (yaaaaaaay, less-mess baking later on. Future!me is going to be so pleased.)

5. At work on Friday I finally finished off a lip balm I've had since the Auckland U2 shows back in 2006. It was weirdly satisfying to be able to use it all and then throw the empty container out. \o/

6. I usually sit with one leg tucked under the knee of my other leg. (And then I wonder why I get pins and needles so frequently. *sheepish*)

7. I just realised the other day I have totally hugged someone who's made out with John Barrowman. I find this hilarious.

8. I've still never seen Pretty Woman, Thelma and Louise or a bunch of other pop culture classics. This is extra hilarious because I spent five years working in a video store. (Which also means I go into stores still and a) have to be physically restrained from tidying them and b) can walk along most of a row saying "seen it, seen it, crap, crap, seen it, seen it..." which I imagine must be somewhat frustrating.)

9. I spent most of Croke 3 standing on my sleeping bag for that crucial extra three inches of height it gave me. It was pretty awesome. Croke Park does excellent hot dogs, by the way.

10. I've been yelled at over a PA for taking my boots off in a train station waiting room (when we were the only ones in there. D: I do see their point and all, but... it was 5am! It was only us in there! We were exhausted!)

11. I can probably still play half the score from the Lion King on flute.

12. I totally nearly got irretrievably stuck in a sports bra I was trying on last week, because some idiot decided making them out of 80% rigidly unstretchable material was a good idea, and having (luckily!) picked up a size larger than I usually wear to start with, I only barely got out of it again. It was too big and sagged ON, but really would not go over my shoulders. Minute or so of desperately embarrassed TERROR in the changing room, omg!

13. Nine times out of ten I will read fiction in preference to non-fiction. Nine times out of ten the fiction I read will be genre of some kind (usually teen fiction, sf/f, the occasional romance), because I like my escapism to be really, you know, escape-y. (Although having said that, right now I'm in the middle of both Brideshead Revisited and the Deptford Trilogy, and the two of them wash into each other in really interesting ways, which I was not expecting at all.)

14. *is reaching* I love all B. Urie face-making onstage and J. Walker dorky dancing? :D (No, really, I just had to ask Kat what I should tell the internets for this meme, and her response was "you tell the internets everything anyway!" which is, you know, true.)

15. My first kiss was standing in the drive through of the 24 hour McDonald's in Greenlane. CLASSY, right? I was at least wearing a ball dress at the time!

16. I really like parentheses. I suspect I would find giving them up even harder than caffeine. We all have our crosses to bear!

And because I am lame and bad at tagging, I say: do what you will, flist. I am nosy and always like to know more about you guys, so. Have at!

Oh, also, cos Sunny and Michele reminded me - do any of you guys remember what our nationstates were called? I know the loose confederation most of us wound up in was something with a play on Antilles, but I can't even remember the name of my nation anymore. (Edit: Kat is awesome and found it. 40 ft cocktail olives! \o/ Heee.)

ETA: Also, most terribly belatedly, happiest of happy birthdays to both catwalksalone and lordessrenegade, two of my favouritest people both on the internets and also ever - I hope you both had great days filled with much joy, and I look forward to hugging each of you within an inch of your lives in April. *smishes and adooooooooooooores*

meme, neighbours are made of stupid!

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