Okay, I super need to go shower because I am *gross* (yes, that was totally information you all needed!), but before it gets much later (ie, is tomorrow), I need to post a happy birthday message and much squishing and flailing to three wonderful ladies:
blue-raven, who gets covered in concrete and mud right there with me and is a tireless fancier of all things Nykl and many things Canadian. May your Canucks win all their matches, or at least all the ones you get to see/hear.
shayheyred, who has been marvellous fun at two cons now (dearly beloved co-mod! <3) and always provides wit and sanity and humour and a good dose of common sense (okay, or sarcasm, but often those are the same thing :D), and
reginagiraffe, who I maybe-not-so-secretly fangirled from afar at the Jamboree and then got to talk to properly at con.txt and found out that she is, in fact, just as freaking awesome as she appears on the outside. All three of you need to be at all of my room parties now and forever after. <3
I hope you all have (or had, hi Ange, I am working the time zones here! :D) excellent days, much love, and I look forward to seeing all of you again as soon as possible!