Ducking out on the internets for one more episode of Who (--why are the neighbours letting off fireworks? Wtf?), and then early bed. In a thoroughly surprising turn up for the books, I am totally packed - by 9pm! Without angsty posts to LJ about it, even! ...I wonder what I've forgotten. - and ready to head down to Wellington tomorrow for Get/Together. So excited! Fangirls! *flails*
I made myself a super-burrito for dinner (cunningly folding three small tortilla thingys into one giant four-layered behemoth; the structural integrity was quite impressive, actually. Mostly because there was practically no sour cream left and thus no disintegrations. (...okay, I just went to a Boba Fett place there. Who's with me?)) And then I tried to watch the end of the Ninth Doctor, but it turns out I actually watched my last Ninth Doctor ep on Wednesday, because I'd forgotten we watched Parting of the Ways as well as Bad Wolf in Wisconsin. Oops. So I skipped the Christmas Invasion (first Who I remember seeing! I mean, I'm fairly sure I saw some old Who as a kid, I just don't remember any of it.) and had a nice peaceful dinner in front of New Earth, since mum went to the film festival and dad's in bed with the same cold I have. Mmm, hermitting. :D
Yeah, I think the point where I officially Fell In Love with the Doctor was during the Empty Child, because "I'm so glad that worked! Those would've been terrible last words!" was kind of one of the BEST LINES EVER. I nearly fell over with giggling.
Work continues to be somewhat insane, and is making me bitchy, though we made some more progress today. I so so badly want to make a t-shirt that says "BECAUSE SCIENCE", though, because... seriously. X test takes Y time and there are only Z pieces of equipment, aka, these are finite resources people, and therefore no, you can NOT haz forty tests done in the next five minutes. *twitch* (Also, if you break your lab technician? You will probably not get one again any time soon! Why do they never have these problems on CSI/NCIS/tv in general?)
But yes, I am about to scoot off and see you all after the weekend, so in the mean time: happy birthday to Ms
emmsythekid (Emma, please tell me you still have a hotmail address, it was the only one I had for you!) in her time zone, just barely, and a happy birthday as of about nine hours ago in her time zone to the wonderful Ms
airinshaw. Much much love to you both, and I can't wait to see either (hopefully both!) of you next year. Hope you have wonderful days and get spoiled rotten by your nearest and dearest. <3