It feels like there are tiny gnomes doing the free-climbing thing with their pitons and spiky boots at the back of my throat. I am not enjoying this.
WHY am I sick? Whyyyyyyyyy. *is the whiniest fangirl* (No, seriously, when you find yourself sending a five-text long chain of whinging to your best friend you kind of HAVE to sign it "love, the whiniest fangirl". Meh.)
I hope it's just the cold and tired talking, but
I feel very faily and work is approaching tsunami-like levels (we are now at four mutually exclusive zomg-most-important-project-must-be-done-this-week deadlines and I have a horrible feeling my manager maybe thinks I just sit on my ass and do nothing all day or something, uggggggggh. It doesn't help that I have a definite tic about being told to do something that I am either in the process of doing right then anyway, or was honestly less than five minutes away from starting before he reminds me to do it/asks me to do it, because I'm wired to find that infuriating and it's really hard to not take that attitude to work when they push my buttons the same way. EPIC FAIL, SELF.) um, which is to say, mostly a) I am whiny and b) zebra starting to slip towards the endangered species list. (Or, you know, see a.)
In other news oh god someone stop me looking up flights to New Orleans. ETA: And the day ticket for the show is only fifty bucks?! *cries more and is selfish and WANTS*
Right. I am being CHEERFUL and not an asshole. Uh. *flails about for something useful to add* Oh, the hell with it, have some more me-and-Kat being, well, us:
Me: Oh, random thought i was having this afternoon at work, in between being seriously grumpy and not fun to be around -- another reason Zack is awesome aside from his own innate awesomeosity is that, in fanfic, there is NO BETTER STRAIGHT MAN. ...I say that in the humour sense not the slashy one, obv. Hee. But. You know? No punchline is more awesome than the one that you put in his mouth. Dear Zack, ILU FAVOURIIIIIITE. (PS STOP READING LJ. /just saying)
Kat: Eeeeeee, I know, I love him WAY HARDER than I should love someone not actually famous. He's like my new Hamish.
Me: yeah, that is totally fair. I kind of agree. (Also, another scary thought I had at work: oh my god imagine Chris Judge and Zack in the same room. I don't mean that in any remotely slashy way, I mean OH MY GOD FANGIRLS RUN FOR YOUR LIVES. While you LAUGH HYSTERICALLY. Because. BAD BAD MEN. <3 )
And there was also a point earlier where she was telling me about baby!Ryan-and-Spencer snuggling - in a totally platonic way do not even suggest otherwise or they will END YOU - and so I came back with a thought picture about Jon-and-Brendon snuggles to balance that, and then somehow that led to us wondering who of those two would be handsier when drunk/stoned (do people get handsy when stoned? FRTDNEATJ, I am unlikely to ever know myself, and now I'm curious), and then that led to Kat suggesting that they would then decide they had to get the other two in on the game to make a real judgment on the issue and then that led to us imagining Zack turning up and being all "you decided to get drunk and find out who's the grabbiest? Yeah, I have no idea why the internet thinks you're fucking each other." and then we both died laughing kind of a little bit. Um. Yes. *winning smile*
Okay. I am going to go make some lemon-honey-and-probably-rum concoction to try to nuke my throat, and then I am going to bed with Dr Who DVDs. I may or may not actually catch up online before the con this weekend. If not, I will see y'all when I see you.
ETA: Oh, and I am wildly behind on birthdays, aren't I? Eep.
eyesmakeacircle and
domssecondbfast - I hope you guys all had marvellous days and got spoiled by people you love, and I am so glad to know ALL of you, because you are, individually and as a group, all smart, fun, fantastic people who I am totally smug I get to call my friends. <3