(no subject)

Sep 24, 2008 19:15

Baaaaaaa. So, since putting these memes together usually takes me until well after 90% of my flist is asleep, I tracked my combined iPod/radio listening from this morning for the Lyric Quiz thingy on excel and emailed it to myself at home. Cough, productive workplace what? :D

Guess as many as you like on this one, kids. It's... possibly an alarmingly good representation of what I listen to regularly, to be honest. Well. On those occasions when I wrest myself from album-specific listening, at any rate. Fair warning, at least two of these are live intros, but I think at least four of you will know them anyway. (And one band is seriously over-represented, because my iPod has such a hard-on for them. And it's not the band you'd expect. :D)

Bolded ones have been guessed by at least one person, but mention them anyway if you like.

1. So I was dreaming/I find myself up here standing
2. Lay lady, lay1
3. Your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones
4. Talking away/I don't know what/I'm to say/Say it anyway
5. I took a step back2
6. I can feel it coming in the air tonight3
7. She's going out to forget they were together
8. I always will remember/'Twas a year ago November
9. Spirit of the rising sun/lift me up
10. We could be perfect one last night
11. What's the big deal/tell me how to feel
12. You're on your ear/the ocean's near
13. Haven't seen you in quite a while/I was down the hole just passing time
14. I'm packed and I'm holding/I'm smiling/she's living
15. Grounded/5am/the night light/is comforting
16. I'm hanging on to something disposable
17. A daydream spills from my corked head
18. Life's a show/and we all play our part
19. Sometimes I feel I've got to get away
20. On the rising tide/rollercoaster ride
21. Here I am/composing a burlesque
22. I'm down on my check/eat on my bet
23. The heart is a bloom
24. Which describes how you're feeling all the time
25. Hey all you people in the shiny cars/who dug the trenches will reach the stars
26. I'm coming out of my cage/and I've been doing just fine
27. You're moving through rough waters
28. You can reach but you can't grab it
29. Evening love/How's your day?/I'm bringing you the weather from the satellite jigsaw
30. These codes are old but we shake hands4
31. As I raise my head to broadcast my objection
32. In the backseat of a car/in the corner of a room

1...hey, I followed the rules, okay. It's not my fault that one is, well. As it is.
2Seriously, if half5 of you need more than that I'll eat my hat.
3It was ON THE RADIO. I still don't know why it's a top ten single NOW.
4I'd just like to note particularly that this is one of my all time favourite first lines of a song ever. &artistconcerned;
5Okay, admittedly, a particular half of you, but still. NOT HARD! :D

In unrelated news, omg, I slept in SO BADLY this morning - and I was in bed by nine, so I do not feel rewarded for my diligence - and then even if I'd been on time we wouldn't have got to leave work until almost an hour late today, siiiiigh, MLIPAS, etc. Although I do have an unexpected conference in town tomorrow and Friday, which means a) oh god Monday is going to suck but b) whoo hoo, I can have fancy coffee tomorrow! Dear Starbucks, please have pumpkin spice lattes again this year, I may cry if you don't. ...owww, I hurt. Stopping typing now.

ETA: On reflection, sushi for dinner followed quite rapidly by a mini icecream thing? Maybe not my smartest move. I feel a little oogey now. (And wtf, I used to have a cast-iron stomach for this kind of thing. Fail, body!) *drinks a lot of water and feels sorry for self*

meme, nice pile of rocks

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