Books, music. You know. The usual.

Aug 09, 2008 14:23

...I just looked at some stats on my iPod. To no one's shock, the most played track on there right now - with 91 repeats - is apparently Pas de Cheval. I AM NOT SHOCKED. I told you guys I almost had to be surgically removed from that album! Heee.

(I'm going through and deleting stuff off my iPod that I don't like/listen to, because so help me god, I am getting at least ONE thing off my to do list done this weekend. And 'getting rid of badly read audiobooks + the excess of Dylan' is apparently that thing.)

Also hilarious to me? Realising I inadvertently ripped off Tamora Pierce a little in my Big Bang. It was totally unintentional, but I went back to fix some links and went "...kissing. when someone hits their head on a tree and says 'ow'. Y HALO THAR NUMAIR AND DAINE." *facepalm* (And- and, oh god, I just realised this minute- the dynamic. AHAHAHAHAFUCK, it's like I imprinted on something I read when I was 12 or something. THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN. *cough*)

Speaking of, does anyone know when there is a new Tammy out? It feels like it's been forever. (And if DDD could hurry up and get my copy of Victory of Eagles to me, that would be awesome. *twitch*) Or a new Lois? I just reread Winterfair Gifts (having given up on finding my hardcover of Irresistible Forces that went astray sometime in 2005 as a lost cause and buying a new one in paperback the other week), and I am basically about two seconds away from hitting a Civil Campaign for the hundredth or so time (what do you mean there are about twenty books at the head of my bed waiting to be read? *shifty*), so... yeah.

Also, my LJ ticked over into a new payment cycle yesterday so I have three new icon spaces. It's somewhat embarrassing how excited this makes me.

Ange is coming up shortly, so I should go make myself somewhat more presentable, and then we will be doing... something this afternoon, and then hockies (yay!), for which I must remember to bring a blanket, because it is effing cold to sit by the rink when one isn't actually moving and skating as well. And tomorrow is pizza and Buffy nightStar Wars (the holy trilogy, natch) up at Jo's, so... busy weekend! See you guys later. <3

[don't] panic, vorkosigan, tamora pierce, friends, hockey, buffy night, jo, ange

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