All the news that's fit to print:

Aug 06, 2008 22:06

...yeah, so my manager walked in on me doing flaily Paul Gross Arms at my desk today.


I'm not normally quite that variety of animated at work (although I was possibly visibly miffed when Person in the Same Room As Me finally turned up this morning around ten because my Not Heard Recently playlist kept throwing up stuff that I found myself either air-drumming or dancing to, and having an audience meant I had to quit it entirely) so I think it threw him a bit, too. Heh. Oops.

Two weeks till Panic at the Cobra Academy YAY.

Which, speaking of - who wants a call from a show? I can't guarantee which night (unless of course you are seeing one show, in which case I'd try to call from a show you're not at), and please bear in mind that Australia is even further behind the US time zones in terms of comparative Hour of the Day than NZ is, but if you want - leave me a comment or an email with your phone number and which band you want me to try for. Obviously it'll depend on conditions inside (like, Mel got a call from my bra strap at U2 because I couldn't hold the phone or reach my pockets anymore, and no one got called from the Swellies in Chicago cos there was no cell reception night 2, just for example), but I will do my best, I promise. I'll post again before Auckland as well, if that would suit people better, too. Aaaaah seriously, I cannot wait, I am so psyched for the Academy and Cobra Starship, and I fucking miss Panic almost as much as I do the Frames. MY LIFE IS HARD OKAY.

[don't] panic, fangs up, australia08, the academy is, nice pile of rocks

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