"what an incredible SMELL you've discovered!"

Apr 23, 2008 19:45

You know those little 'freshness sachet' things they stuff into, like, airmail packages and burrito packets and so on, with the silicon inside?

Yeah, you DEFINITELY want to actually remember to remove that before sticking it in the microwave.


Oh, oh, and while I'm fessing up about these kinds of things, so, last week, we had this EPIC mystery wherein every night, around 11pm, something would start beeping in my room - like a cellphone alarm, or something like that, and mum and I were going spare trying to work out what it was - at first we thought it was the spare cellphone dad left on my desk, but that was definitely off, and also it kept happening after we removed that, and it was totally mysterious because I would hear it at the desk (which was tidier at that point *sadfaces*) and there would be literally NOTHING electronic but the keyboard on the desk, and then sometimes it sounded like it was moving- like lean in to where I'd heard it and it would move away again, and sometimes it was down one end of the room, and others mum would come in and think it was closer to the door, and while robot mice weren't entirely out of the question it DID seem a trifle unlikely, and it was just mind boggling. And then on Monday night it went off again and I reached for the giant pile of papers on my desk, shuffled through them (nothing!) and then realisation struck. ...it was my watch.

*is a Claire of VERY LITTLE BRAIN*

special like turnbull

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