Mar 14, 2008 23:17

...yeah, I just got my mum addicted to How I Met Your Mother. \o/ I just watched four episodes with her and now I'm finishing up what I'm reading and going to go to bed early because tiiiiiiiired. She? Is still in the lounge giggling out loud every five minutes. :D

Anyhoo! Happy happy birthday to ms mickeymvt! I'm so so glad I got to meet you at the Jamboree, and I hope we get to hang out more in future, because it was wicked fun and it would be great to have more time to be crazu fangirls together. Hope work calms down a bit and lets you breathe, and that you get to have a wonderful day and an excellent weekend ahead of you! *snuggles, twirls, sneaks a Ray Kowalski AND a Fraser into the bathroom at work to 'consult' as required* :D

Finally, the thing I can't believe actually made me crack up, but hey, I have no shame:
Auntie Ruth, on the phone, related to me by my mother: I'm so glad it's POETS DAY today!
Mum: Bwuh?
Ruth: Piss off early, tomorrow's saturday!
Me and mum: *snicker like twelve year olds*

Memo to self: tomorrow, for the love of tawg, please finally get around to setting up the sticky post with poll so you can check at a glance who you're allowed to refer to by which degree of pseud/real name/etc online. *facepalm* Memory. Like. Sieve.

birthdays, quote!

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