There's no fiction that will truly fit this situation.

Mar 13, 2008 23:56

...oh my god. I just watched Cobra Starship's performance from the Jimmy Kimmel show, and I am practically crying with laughter, because- oh god, seriously, is it just me, or in this video, does Gabe look like the illegitimate love child of STEPHEN COLBERT and the EIGHTIES. I just. Oh my god. *is broken* (No, seriously, I must be, because even with that he is still WICKED ATTRACTIVE. Oh, Gabe.)

I got like two things off my to do list done, which is very \o/, there is one day to the weekend (and then two four day weeks in a row, double \o/), and I counted up at work today sort-of by accident (I was looking at something else, seriously- who schedules a meeting for 4pm on a FRIDAY? *sadfaces*), and there are like fifty-five days of work till I am ON HOLIDAY BABY YEAH.

In that spirit, the meme that, y'know, half the known LJ population was doing... two weeks ago...

16 March: Ellen Page movie fest at the_antichris's house, with a whole bunch of uni and high school friends and also desserts. Yay!
19 - 20 April: maaaaaaaaaaybe going to Wellington, but only if the cheap cheap airfares come up (because I can't take any more time off work, so I have to fly there and back if I want to do Armageddon this year again.)
(And then we hit the point where you'd all be forgiven for wanting to smack me. I'm kind of stupendously lucky, I know.)
7.30pm, 28 May: Leave work an hour early and go to the airport to fly to Los Angeles. Try not to be ded of tired and stress.
10.30am, 28 May: Travel back in time! Arrive in LA, fall gratefully (and gracelessly) at the foot of jigofspite at the airport. Try not to be too zombified as we navigate the wilds of the San Fernando Valley and make our way to Casa de Salida, where I will get to see stateless, brunerhyme, achtung12 and pbfallon, as well as SUPER EXCITING fellow-house-guest izzybeth, and where I am certain over the next few days I will also manage to see nodogsonbeach, la_woman, oktobergirl, and hoooopefully nostalgicecho as well.
29 May: (gods of tickets willing! *chews arm with nerves*) REM in LA, with, well, a large proportion of the above-linked persons.
31 May: (again, gods of tickets willing!) REM in Berkeley, with, um. Many of the same people again! :D
2 June: Fly to Denver with Izzy, pounce the ever-loving hell out of rhythmsextion and frog4 and packt, possibly-hopefully see leici and gal_montag and jillybinks.
3 June: GA shenanigans with the Honda Civic Tour in Denver (aka, I lose my MIND because Panic at the Disco *and* the Hush Sound. HELLO FLAIL.)
PS: Anyone in Colorado want to come with me? Please? Because right now I have THREE spare early entry tickets so, really, if someone wants to KEEP ME COMPANY you wouldn't even have to really line up early or anything. And I would hate for the tickets to go to waste (seriously, damn you Vertigo tour for getting me into the habit of "buy everything you can get cos someone will need it after TM screws us all over again!") and I would totally be open to negotiation for them, too (it's entirely possible you could have one for buying me a coffee at this point. I just- I hate WASTING things.) Also, while I am losing my mind over tiny queer emo hippie boys, Izzy and Frog will be (gods of tickets willing! again! man, I should really just pony up for a suevotaurilia at this point, huh?) seeing REM at Red Rocks. ...yeah, timing of gigs FTL. Sigh.
4 June: Honda Civic Tour in Salt Lake City. Because too much is never enough. Or, you know, I'm a crazy person. Either fits. (I am just slightly piqued it's not a new state. One of these days I'll get under the Mason-Dixon!)
5 June: Come back home to the apt of luuuv in Denver, collapse.
5 - 8th or 9th June: hang out with my girls there for a few more days, hopefully go skating with Cheryl and Lacy and anyone else who feels like watching me fall over a lot?
8th or 9th June: (deciding for sure this weekend! I swear!) fly to Philly to glomp onto tehsunny and runaground and hopefullyhopefully catch up with/see fayemeadows, emmsythekid and glimmergirl.
13 - 15th June: con.txt!! MANY MANY FANGIRLS! Too many for me to lj-user-tag y'all. But I am exceptionally psyched, especially since I am meant to be rooming with katrin (because if I go to the northern hemisphere and do not get to see my little sister/co-captain of the good ship CODEPENDENT, I would be so distraught they'd pick it up on Mars. Really, not exaggerating here) and the_antichris! (once again! multiple kiwis at a con! do we know how to party or what? :D)
16th June: Fly to Madison. Pounce on izzybeth again after our tragic separation of like a week by that point, meet fairestcat, tackle lovelokest, and meet multiple kittycats in the House that Slash Built. Then pretty much turn around and run straight out the door for Swell Season gig #1, in Madison.
17th June: Drive down to Chicago for Swell Season gig #2, with Izzy, ruidoso, ogreatitskate, tenar, eyesmakeacircle, shoemaster, and I-think-hopefully siren338.
18th June: Dorky Chicago things during the day and then Swell Season gig #3 with, um, most of the above again. <3
23rd June: Fly to San Francisco, probably from Chicago so, uh, if anyone's around that day I'll probably bus in in the morning and then make pitiful "please hang out with meeeeeeee" faces at you.
24th June: Drive up to meet malnpudl, hopefully with Chris, and hopefully with Other Exciting Local Fangirls, their schedules allowing.
27th June: Leave San Francisco.
29th June: Arrive Auckland.
30th June: Back to work, ahahahahahaaaaDOOMED.

...uh. Yeah. My life is slightly ridiculous, isn't it? (By the way, for the record? A rough-and-hopeful count gives me the potential to get to see at least FORTY SIX of you guys inside of a month. Um. That is NUTS (and awesome).)

ETA: Also? GIP (because I am a giant dork):

(I couldn't help myself.)

[don't] panic, hushies, my first car was a honda civic, gigs, swell season, itinerary, marketa, glen, friends, rem, usa 08, fangirls

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