Um. So. Hypothetically, if I was maybe... looking at something, and thinking about it a lot, like enough that it was triggering my 'should follow instincts' setting, and maybe that something was to do with the five hundred miles between Denver and Salt Lake City and the thought that it would be summer so PROBABLY there wouldn't be snow in the passes, and either way, I've driven far longer distances in one day to see bands play in the past so it's not like there's not PRECEDENT or slightly (a lot) more sensibly, if I was, say, MAYBE looking at things on expedia and there was possibly, like, a hundred and fifty dollar return flight that would work out with the times I would, hypothetically, IF I was thinking about this, you know, need them. Um. Is there anyone who would HYPOTHETICALLY have my back in terms of a) company or b)
going there already?
I am a crazy person right now. I have accepted this. *drinks the kool aid, dances happily*
* * *
In less crazy news, oh man, I kind of haven't updated for a while, huh? (In my world? Four days is legitimately a WHILE. Plus, they were very busy days!) Firstly, I want to say a belated but extremely fervent happy birthday to Ms
erilyn, who is not just an accomplished (and supremely helpful!) pimp in all things fannish, but also an hilarious and awesomesuperb person to get to hang out with on any occasion. *waves across the Tasman and hopes your day treated you well*
Right. There were a sort of ridiculous number of things I have been meaning to mention, and all that comes to mind right now is that I'm still way way behind online (hi Rob! thank you for kicking my ass as ordered! I'll be replying to you shortly! I blame fangirls and guitar hero!), and am super unlikely to catch up in the near future, because on Tuesday my boss told me that they're sending me on a business trip on Monday.
I mean. Um. Yeah. I'm still struggling a lot to wrap my brain around this. (Me! Traveling 'on business'! I am not that grown up, am I?) I mean, it is to the super exciting destination of Hastings, so it's not like it's FAR, but still. I am FLYING there (which is awesome right now if you've seen the local news at all, *twitch*) and they're putting me in a hotel for three days. WEIRDED OUT. Also, don't know if the hotel will have wireless, so either I'll be bored and spam you all and not catch up at all, or I will theoretically actually get some writing done in the evening. Hopefully? But yeah. So that's happening. (Is there anyone local to there on my flist? Speak up now!)
Tuesday was pub quiz (horrible failure on both our part and that of the new system - powerpoint crashed four times, no one liked the 'high-tech' version, there was much stressful grumpyness, the pub manager apologised profusely to one and all and decided to go back to the old (much more fun, and I think also more profitable; the details are boring, just trust me) way next week), I became briefly infamous for being the only person who knew the scientific name for 'man boobs' (I... blame both fandom and classics? :D), and then I got Chris from work and proceeded to, um. Somehow break Guitar Hero? I don't even know. It worked inside, we played one song and got all psyched to play more, and then I moved the X Box out to the garage (where we wouldn't keep other people awake, given it was half eleven if not later by this point), and then the game just made crunchy noises and said it couldn't read it any more. Okay. So I MAY have possibly forgotten to take the disc out before moving the console. And I MAY have accidently turned the X Box on while it was upside down before I realised. But if it was either of those things which busted it, I just- seriously, that's just POOR DESIGN. You have to have margins to cope with idiots (ie, me)! So, yes. That was very sad. So I took the disc back the next morning and made puppy eyes at the staff and they gave us another copy (\o/) which we then proceeded to abuse madly for the rest of the day.
stickmarionette and
jessikast delighted us with their company for most of the day, which we spent in the usual manner - playing video games, talking about zombies, discussing fandom, talking about using maple syrup in a "beside the bed situation" (and accidently causing at least three Rodney-covers-John-in-maple-syrup fics to wink into existence on the pit of voles when we realised NONE of us had ever read that in an SGA fic and then said as much out loud), and generally being filthy minded. It was uniformly excellent. Also,
jessikast has excellent headbanging hair (I am only sad I got no video of her post-song mosh.)
jessikast: "We're rocking out! *beat* With our cocks out! ...*graciously* I'll grow one for the occasion."
blademistress made us cookies (like macaroons with chocolate buttons in the middle! *wins at friends*) and she and
stickmarionette also brought their Nintendo DSs and showed us the insane games on those things, too (some of them are just. so. (stereotypically) Japanese. trauma doctor! lawyer with psychic sidekick! hee!) And because
jessikast and
stickmarionette are all both brave AND awesome, they all moved onto playing medium level guitar hero - within, like, an hour of their first goes (they are cyborgs or something, perhaps. *eyes warily* and Blade (sick of typing user names sorry!) WAS wearing a Cylons t shirt, too. HRM.) while I - who had had it out for two days by this point - was still on easy. Heh. However, *bragging mode* I did get my first 100% ever (yay!), which was super exciting (okay so it was on bass but it STILL COUNTS OKAY), and, because we all wanted to see just how crazy hard mode was, I tried Famous Last Words on hard and somehow DIDN'T DIE. It was kind of amazing, except for how I sort of finished the song and then had to retire to perch on the sideboard going "owwww my HANDS" because, well, OW. Green+Blue chords are REALLY PAINFUL when you have stubby stubby fingers like me and have to alternate a LOT of them with Red+Orange chords. My fingers aren't meant to bend that way! But, you know, not dying ftw! */bragging mode*
Thursday really not much happened except for going back to work and getting Thursdayitis like whoa which basically meant I went to bed at nine pm last night to read my book because the Outside World was just making me unpleasant and snarly to be around. Of course, because I was being Responsible and Getting An Early Night my brain decided to pull the "oh I'll fix YOU" card and then didn't let me sleep for a really long time. SIGH. (And, CRAP, I just realised, I left my creme eggs at work. I won't see them again till Thursday! WOES.)
Friday was... again, work. (Lots and LOTS of work. We cleaned the hell out of the yard again, and then did the mission of all sampling missions to catch up on a bunch of stuff, so I am kind of tiiiiiiiiired now.) In the course of mentally auditioning new tags for MCR (no, my problems really aren't like other peoples') I also figured out something that almost approaches "girls are like ovens" in terms of both being somewhat offensive and also SCREAMINGLY FUNNY to me (hi. I'm really kind of not a good person. *sheepish*) which, uh, I decline to share on the basis that, well, a) it's bandomy so I think I texted the half of you who care anyway and 2) I don't need to encourage myself! :D Aaaaaaaand... now we're catching up to the present.
Oh, wait, and because for SERIOUS like six of you tagged me for that meme thing that's going around,
seven facts/quirks/habits relating to my person:
-I have a really horrible temper, and when I do actually lose it, it takes me kind of a while to come back down. So I try really hard not to, because wow, not pretty (and also, crying in rage? Really fucks with having your argument taken seriously. SIGH.) For that matter, unsurprisingly to any of you who've got more than a passing acquaintance with our acclaimed national character, Showing Strong Emotion In Public is something that I am deeply uncomfortable with in general. Just. Nooooo.
-I'd never had a single filling in my life until I was 23. ...and then all the Coke caught up with me and now I keep putting my dentist's children through college. Admittedly, not as good a college as I've clearly put the Mullen, Evans and Hewson kids into, but still. Oyy.
-People with a Thing (in the bad way!) about feet? DO NOT HIGHLIGHT THIS NEXT LINE. You will regret it. Charlie? This means you, okay? I used to bite my toenails when I was a kid. It was easier than asking to be allowed to use the fancy nail scissors! It was convenient! It was awesome for grossing people out! I used to be really bendy!
-Within a (strict!) one metre radius of where I sit at my desk I have pictures, posters, concert stubs, action figures, CDs or just general STUFF relating to U2, Firefly, Star Wars: X Wing, Shihad, Exit, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate: SG1, Carebears, Gremlins, Lord of the Rings, the Living End, fangirls, the South Pole, Edward Monkton, My Chemical Romance, the Big Day Out, Cleveland, Buffy and Hawaii. Uh. My room is a good reflection of my personality? :D
-There's two bands on my wrist that I haven't taken off - even for a wedding (cue maternal horror, but hello, they are white!) - for almost three years now. There's a ball chain bracelet under them that's gone into it's fourth distinct colour since I put it on ten months ago. There's also four sets of beads from two different people that roam around between the two (although sadly one of the orange set performed a spectacular explosive arc all across the lab floor a fortnight back).
-I can't drink anything out of a can without (and I am not sure how to properly describe this) sticking the tip of my tongue into that groove thing beneath the tab so that none of the drink spills into there. Drinking out of that dip thingy grosses me out so I, uh, don't. (Does anyone else do this? Also, NO RIMMING JOKES. *squinty eyes* I know you people. :D)
-Even if I don't actually say them out loud, I spend more than half my life quoting things (books, movies, songs, tv shows, interviews), because Insert Applicable Pop Culture Quote Here is just how I'm wired. Although I'm nowhere near as good with the Simpsons as half my friends are. I am WICKED AWESOME at Friends references, though. I also frequently crack myself up with quotes that only I would GET, too.
And, bonus point eight: I can say with pretty much total assurance that I know exactly what I was doing at this time five years ago. And it would've been squishing into the single guest bed downstairs at
rhythmsextion's old house with
izzybeth (I woke up about two and a half hours later when I fell OUT of the bed, gave up, and then slept on the couch for another hour or two), after having spent hours watching Queer as Folk and talking about U2 and slash and fandom with
rhythmsextion and
lardencelover (and poor innocent Krista! :D), in preparation for heading onwards to Cleveland later in the day for the very, very first U2 fan celebration at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Which means today marks the first time I ever got to see
rhythmsextion , and tomorrow the first I ever met
brunerhyme (and promptly nearly said something VERY DODGY in front of her mother),
kaishijinn (who has the dubious honour of having been the first person ever to recognise and address me as "shihadchick" (I was. uh. wearing a shihad shirt, okay?)),
tehsunny and
welshkeeper. Tomorrow was the day that Shan announced that "it's hard to run with a camera in your crotch!" Tomorrow was the day we were awful, horrible, mean, funny people who mocked the 'tribute band' at the Hard Rock (
stateless, in a full body convulsion of PAIN: "WRONG CHORD!", me: "'Gloria in te domine' is FOUR. WORDS. YOU. MORON!", and we got high-fives for singing "like the Edge needs a handycam" in TTTYAATW), tomorrow was the day U2 sent us bagpipes to apologise for not being there themselves, it was the day we saw Larry's first kit and the fan club letters and Adam's spelling and the inflatable lemons and the Elevation and Zoo and Pop outfits, Adam's banana bass, Edge's shoes, Brian's recording notes, Bono's first lyrics for Bad- everything. And when I think of everything that came afterwards, that grew out of that innocuous first "hey, the rock and roll hall of fame is doing a U2 exhibition, we should get some people together and go!", all that I can think of is what Izzy just quoted
Bill Carter on - you meet the people you're meant to meet. Kia kaha, guys.