*does the pointy dance for old times' sake*

Feb 04, 2008 21:46

Appropos of, um, several cases, what IS it about the HellmouthCleveland that inspires musicians to do silly dances? *is finding this HILARIOUS right now* (Guess which huge post I am 3/4 of the way through. Just guess. Here's a hint. This one? NOT U2. :D)

I got home from work really late since I finally (count it, guys, FOUR WEEKS since I first said I would/should) went grocery shopping and ran some other errands, and then my brother came over to pick up his duty free booze and played some Guitar Hero with me (yay, bass! also, of course, he'd never played it before and picked it up awesomely right away. He's just good at these things. I so skipped getting that gene.) and then we had laaaaaaate dinner and since I'd like to have, uh, the full function of my wrists tomorrow I started checking LJ. And then I got sucked into a youtube moebius loop of gleeful self-immolation. I have TWENTY EIGHT tabs open. From youtube alone. ...help?

Izzy and Amy also reminded me just how much of my U2 is, uh, not archived, which I swear! I will get on soon! but right now is on my mind mostly because that conversation made me go back last night and reread what I had considered one of my better fics in that fandom, and. Well. I realised part way through I was totally reading it as two other characters entirely and if I can do that, I so didn't do it right to start with. Nuts. And you guys suck because now I want to go try and write A/E that reflects the slight improvements in my writing ability. I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS!

Today at work, in the span of an hour and a half I: burned my wrist on a tray in the oven (just because the contents are still wet doesn't mean the tray isn't hot! stupid laws of physics meaning metal conducts heat, BAH), caught my fingertips of the OTHER hand in a slamming door, swore loudly (result of latter), caught the pocket of my trousers in the locking mechanism of another door (of course, they tore, which meant this afternoon I ALSO had to buy new pants which = my favourite thing ever. NOT.), and then somehow managed to make new-coworker-R's office chair (five wheels for extra stability!) flip backwards and do a ninety degree angle smash to the floor. Luckily I wasn't sitting on it at the time, but it was still pretty spectacular. Oh coordination. Where have you gone? (Did you ever exist at all?)

...I also was thinking at work today that what with Abbey Rd and the stupiddorky hair and everything, where oh where is the inevitable Help!AU PATD fic? And, come to think of it, WHERE is the 60s AU where Panic are all total hippies-- and then I thought about the last one more and realised OH WAIT, NO, THAT'S JUST REALITY. <3<3<3 Oh, boys. :D

So, my catching up on email was a marked... failure. And I'm gonna try and close out some tabs and give you guys some fb and comments and other shiny things. Peace out! :D

[don't] panic, special like turnbull, u2, nice pile of rocks, guitar hero, bandom

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