Urrgh. So. Big Day Out, yesterday. Was pretty darned good. Except then for whatever reason, I woke up this morning with the headache from hell and basically only resurfaced into useful forms of consciousness at 6pm tonight. Like I said to my parents, seriously, why do I always get sick on the WEEKEND? I mean, it's nice that my immune system has this under-the-table deal with my work ethic or whatever, but come on! NOT VERY RESTFUL, ugh. So of course I haven't got anything done I was wanting to, and my room is still the bombsite it's been since Christmas (no, really. I still have the detritus from wrapping presents Christmas morning behind my desk. I. Fail. At. Life.)
But blah, whatever to all that.
Doing the whole 'turning up late' thing for the BDO was kind of interesting - I got there just on 5pm, though it took me almost a half hour to walk from the train station, go up the steep hill, find out where ticket collection was, go down the other side of the steep hill to get it and then back up again to get through the gates, so I only really got in to the pit about twenty minutes before Arcade Fire came on (I also gave myself heart failure when I picked up a timetable from the ground to remind myself who was on which stage and it said they started at 5.30, not 6.00. Then I realised (about the time I realised it was Pluto I could hear and NOT the Arcade Fire) that it was a Melbourne timetable. OOPS.) The way they have the stages set up now there's no way to get near the front unless you get in early and stick to it, but I started out like two rows back from the outer barrier on a fairly steep angle where I could mostly kind of see around all the Very Tall People Many of Whom Smartly Wore Hats. Which would've been okay, but then the band came on and I realised that the collective pulse around me was something like that of a two-day-old corpse, and even though the sightline was good I was just really not digging it and went Further UpOut and Further In. That was a lot better for actually having people who seemed to be enjoying the band and excited, but not so great for sound (also, everyone who isn't Izzy who I called by the time I moved? Sorry about the really loud screaming and clapping guy right beside me; I couldn't move much more by that point, and I knew he was probably drowning out the band by virtue of being so much closer to the phone.)
But yes, they were seriously awesome and I want SO much to get to see them properly, from a crowd who're much more familiar with them and where I can hopefully see a little better. They started with Wake Up and just- fuck. I don't know if I want to share the video I took of it, firstly because the whole beginning is missing because that was the first time yesterday my camera picked an awesome moment to just completely die on me, and secondly because the sound is awful (I'm really not sure if it's the BDO speakers or if it's the new camera, I hope desperately it was the speakers because I got used to the awesome sound quality (with the shitty visual) on the old camera and since visual is NOT my forte I know which aspect I have to weigh more heavily in a concert setting, argh.), and thirdly-and-mostly, holy shit, you can see just how badly my hands were shaking. It's even more pronounced than I realised at the time. Just. Wake Up. Being played over the Mt Smart speakers for the third time. I won't lie, the prospect of that happening wasn't something I wanted to depend on actually happening at all, but I knew that if it did, I didn't want to miss out. And honestly, the chance to see the Arcade Fire alone is totally something I would've paid the BDO ticket price for, so it would've been worth it for that alone. We also got Haiti, Kettles, No Cars Go (which I tried to call Izzy for, no clue if it worked), Tunnels (Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat! *clings at you*), Black Mirror, and a bunch of other stuff off Neon Bible that I forget the name of right now. I also have to hit the merch stands in Melbourne early, because when I stopped on Friday they only had size six shirts left and, um. Yeah. No. There was also an hilarious moment in the middle somewhere where one of the guys said something about how our country was beautiful and they loved it, but we need to get the Queen off our money already like they did a while back, and someone in the government should get on it. I laughed my ass off. OH CANADA.
Aside: It's weird, I haven't been to a BDO for about three years now, if I remember correctly? And they've moved a bunch of stuff and most of my short cuts are dead ends (*shakes fist*) and they shifted the over-18s-only-drinking-area so that a) I may have tried to cut through a VIP area by mistake and had a confusing discussion with a lady on the door where she wanted to see my wristband and I said I couldn't find where they were doing them this year and she said you had to pay $200 for them and I was all WHAT? and then we both realised where we'd gone wrong. Oops. and b) the drinking area totally wasn't signposted or manned all that well, considering I accidently walked into it twice without even realising and only got stopped on the way out (I was just trying to get to food without having to cut across the pit!) and asked where my wristband was. Oy. It's also weird being at a BDO without being, you know, up the front for most of it. I'm nowhere near as mosh-fit or fearless as I used to be (yes I am old and decrepit inside my head right now or something, ha) but mostly I think it was just getting there so late that made it hard to get in the swing of things, and also the fact it really is a LOT more crowded than it used to be. (I miss the 33 000 people BDOs, man. It was a lot saner!)
Anyhow, after Arcade Fire Shihad were on the stage adjacent, so when it was clear my side of the crowd were not, in fact, going to jump around and sing along (which is half the fun with the boys) I tried to get to the crowd on the other side, but couldn't really get into it in any useful way, and then they pulled the band off stage because people were being assholes around the entrance to the D (the inner barrier which, for the record, definitely didn't let anyone new in for the last six hours of the day so I wish people had just been grown ups and stopped shoving/arguing about it - as if someone is going to compromise safety procedures just because you're a drunk asshole-- good luck.) I'm actually pretty impressed they followed through and DID that, because so often they threaten to and no one does anything cos they don't think they really will pull the band. But they did, which did end up costing about ten minutes of Shihad's set, sadly for everyone else. They did really get the crowd going, but by that point I was really feeling the fact I hadn't eaten all day (I skipped lunch at work so I could leave earlier. And then of course my boss was out for the afternoon and I had to finish something which then failed, and since it failed I had to do a confirmation test, and ended up leaving fifteen minutes later than I had planned to, instead of half an hour earlier, which threw me off a bunch) so I thought "fuck it, I'll head up into the stand so I can see better and hopefully get some video for people." And one of the other good things about flying solo is not only do you not have to negotiate movements/try not to lose people as you move, but it's way easy to find a spare single seat, compared to two free seats.
So I did that, but then there were so many people in the stands sitting on the stairs that I got trapped up there till Bjork started, so even though I kind of wanted to go back into the pit (it is so weird to be seeing Shihad from a sitting down perspective. so fucking weird. I've never been more than about fifteen metres away before. WEIRD.) there was just no way to do it. And of course, my camera batteries pitched a fit again during their set - halfway through the new song I had loved on Wednesday night and wanted to record to tide me over till the new album is out. Of course. Pacifier went off - again, I have video with probably-terrible audio of pretty much the ENTIRE crowd going nuts, Home Again was insane and awesome as it always is, and the new songs seemed to go down well. They also played Screwtop again (so I feel less special! hee.), which was cool. I was just really, really glad I got Wednesday night, because otherwise I would've felt far more pressure-from-self to be in the thick of things and I suspect that would not have ended well yesterday.
Aside: I also just went to show my mum the pictures from Wednesday night - they are still uniformly pretty much terrible, and the video- god. the video has good pictures. It does. That was what I checked Wednesday night when I got home (because it was 1am and I didn't want to make any noise!), and I was thrilled. The audio is a diabolical mess. I could cry. You can't even hear Jon singing the first line (and indeed, all he sang) of Billie Jean - it's just crackle and cutting out. AUGH. I mean, I was like a metre from the amps and with no filters, but still. Old camera could handle that! New camera is meant to be awesomer version of old camera! D'OH.
Anyhoo. Shihad left to great applause, and Bjork came out, and was visually very interesting, but I don't know her stuff at all and pretty much went "okay. time for feeding self now!" and went on a half hour mission just trying to get to the other side of the stadium. See above re "places that no longer join up and that you aren't allowed to walk through anymore". I eventually made it over, purchased a Hungarian Bread Puff (omg. tasty awesomeness. when in doubt at the BDO, always go vegetarian, seriously.) with pesto, and then leant on a fence above the grassy (and muddy) area behind the south stand (ie, directly opposite the stages) which was blocked off and watched (through a tree! People kept asking if I could see, the answer was "yes, because I am short enough to use that gap between branches.") the end of Bjork (there was one song I recognised, unexpectedly, so I guess I have heard at least one of her songs?), and the cool lightning guys who I don't think got much attention since no one in front of the stage knew they were there or could see them well, and about half of Rage Against the Machine, who seemed to be going off. Mostly what I spent an hour doing, though, was watching people jump the fence onto the dirt and then get kicked out by security. It was kind of hilarious people-watching.
I swear I'm practically an accredited expert in 'different ways people scale a shoulder-height fence' by now. And then a couple of drunk/high guys came up one by one and tried to ask what I was writing in my note book (it was the note about the fence jumping, though if they'd been five minutes later it totally would've been 'filk of Bohemian Rhapsody', although I ended up giving up on trying to write anything down when it became clear that I'd just keep getting people asking what I was writing about and interrupting me - and by the way, what's with that? who does that? it's as bad as sitting in the lunch room and trying to read when people keep coming up and going "gee, you read a lot, don't you?"), or tried to persuade me to jump the fence with them because 'damn the man!' and stuff.
I did end up leaving about twenty minutes before the end of Rage, partly cos it was getting cold-ish (I couldn't bring myself to regret the breeze because I bet it was keeping the people down in the pit alive, but I was only wearing a very thin tanktop, so...) and partly because I knew if I felt like rocking out to them I could just do it in Melbourne. BONUS. So I wandered over to the hippy stages where the Clean were finishing up (they seemed cool! and they took the piss out of Rage in an entertaining and not mean fashion!) and lots of people were smoking pot and/or dancing and generally being a lot less aggro than the other stages. (There was one point during Shihad where from the perspective of the stands it actually looked like half the pit in the inner barrier had gone down - a huge shove sideways out of nowhere, it was kind of scary looking. There were also quite a few bits of the crowd were people were clearly throwing themselves around in a totally assholish fashion - I'm sorry, but no, you really fucking don't do that in the middle of a forty-plus thousand capacity type crowd, that is just asking to get people seriously hurt, and so no, I do NOT think you deserve to have 'fun'. In fact, I hope those people all break a leg and have to spend months on crutches because they deserve pain.)
People kept slowly drifting over and over, and Supergroove ended up coming on fifteen minutes late - well after Rage were done, and according to my brother, by the time he got out of Rage you couldn't get into the green stage area anymore as it was too packed - which I can believe - it started out empty but just filled up in a really comfortable way, so I think a lot of people went in there on their way out. And oh my god, they were so awesome as well. I was SO glad I both got really close and got to see them full stop. It was just fun - the entire crowd bouncing happily and singing along and having a great time. They're just one of those bands that you really don't realise just how many of their songs you do in fact know ALL THE WORDS to. Sitting Inside My Head into Can't Get Enough just had everyone going NUTS and then they finished with Scorpio Girls (if it hadn't been so much fun to be doing so, I expect it would've been really funny to watch thousands of people bopping along with varying degrees of coordination (so many drunk people, my god. I mean. Even BY BDO standards.) and bellowing "scorpio-pio-pio, scorpio girls! scorpio-pio-pio, rocking my WORLD!" at the tops of their lungs. :D) So, yeah, I danced my ass off and had an excellent time. I am totally rating them right up there with the other two as my favourite acts of the day.
Wandered out with the rest of the crowd after that as they were the final final act, nearly started something with the four guys surrounding me in the crush to get out who were talking about how "shihad were so gay" (the four of you are also cordially invited to join my group of people I hope fell down Maurice Rd after the show), but since they were all a foot taller than me, drunk, and I had no way of escaping I decided - while my principles jeered at me from somewhere around my boots - that discretion was maybe the better part of valour this once. Grrr.
(Also oh my god Supergroove were ALL OVER EACH OTHER and totally slashy which was at once both hilarious (the slashgoggles! they do nothingnot come off!) and also disturbing. Okay, disturbingly hilarious, anyway. :D)
And then I made super awesome time down to where my mum picks us up after the show, and we sat there for another forty minutes waiting on our house guests (who had, as I had suspected, gone out the wrong gate and had to walk a LOT further - not that I judge, because I totally fucking did that after Auckland 1 in 2006 and it sucked, and I *knew* where I was going then) and then we came home and I passed out. ("And now we're catching up to the present!")
So. Yeah. That was my day. I definitely don't regret going at all, I just wish I'd had a bit more energy *blames work and stuff*, and it was kind of neat to not have to worry about other people although having no one to talk to sucked at times (and of course, the usual mobile phone traffic implosion that is forty five thousand people all trying to use their phones to find each other happened, so texting got a bit dodgy at times, though I leaned on
blue_raven and
tshirtgirl that way a bit in between times, too), and in conclusion... I'm really happy I get to have a round two with some of these bands (and the 'gurge! Are playing in Melbourne! I quite literally haven't seen them for ten years, I think I totally have to for nostalgia's sake) although I think I might get out of the pit again for Rage, just because... I am a giant chicken these days? And also I do not seem to remember as much of their back catalogue as I thought I did (we spent part of our sixth form ball headbanging to Killing in the Name - yes, in heels and our ball dresses, we were totally awesome at high school, man - for goodness sake. I think my inner teenager is pretty abashed right now.) so I feel a bit like a poser in the middle of that.
Right. Time to try and see if I can get this week's SGA, and possibly even get to watching last weeks' already. :D