It wouldn't be entirely inappropriate for people to start humming 'another one bites the dust' now..

Dec 17, 2007 20:53

Just before I forget - Christmas cards have come in this weekend from kanzenhanzai and mickeymvt. Thank you both so, so much. *beams* (They're so pretty! And also really elegant looking and swish with the address labels and all. *impressed*) AND I got a postcard from ogreatitskate (!) to add to the one I got a week and a half ago from 30toseoul, so pretty much I am feeling very popular at the post office right now. :D (Now, I just have to get out and mail in return... hee.)

In other news, my mum is awesome. Yesterday she brought me home coffee after she'd been out dancing, and today I got half a toffee/hazelnut/walnut slice. \o/ Mmm. Tasty unseasonal treats! (It is ridiculously stuffy here. And yet, I still want to drink hot coffee. From the position of, well, lounging in a swimming pool. Heh.)

In other other news, I. Um. Feel like I should probably admit, publically, that I'm totally reading some bandom. I maybe spent like four hours on Saturday night reading girl!Panic fic. In my defence, genderfuck is pretty much the thermal exhaust port to the main fusion reactor of my fannish heart, so it was really only just a matter of time. (Plus, you guys? Are wicked pimps. I would totally blame peer pressure except I think I helped those bandomishly-inclined of you every step of the way. It is not my fault that squee and enthusiasm = the gateway (omg. that was typoed "gayteway" at first. HA.) drug to other fandoms for me!) So. Yes. I seem to be doing most of my squee in other people's comment pages at the moment, but fair warning just in case.

Also, I really don't see how I could've held out against MCR at the very least after seeing them live, because, seriously, I cannot sufficiently emphasise how VERY VERY AWESOME they were. Those guys have spectacular stage presence, they're great musicians, they seem like smart decent people, I... am only human. And I'm not even going to go to the "also squeeful fangirling and slashy stuff" place because the main thing I keep remembering about the show wasn't Frank wearing a pink cowboy hat (which, if there is a god, is on youtube) or Frank dangling handcuffs at Gerard, or Mikey Way being ridiculously fucking pretty (and BENDY) or Ray Toro just being KICKASS or anything, it was the point where I looked over and I swear to god, Frank was playing with his guitar in mid air and, U2 fans, you know that moment when Edge flicks the slide off his finger in Mysterious Ways, and it's that perfect economy of motion and skill and talent all combining, and all you can do is sort of stare gape-mouthed and go "!! ngh!"? Yeah, I had that moment over Frank Iero and his guitar. So. You know. I trust that instinct.

PS. Links especially to Bob/Spencer, girl!anyone, Frank/Gerard, Jon/Spencer, Jon/Brendon, Pete/Mikey, gsf anything (except MCR; I am so not ready to go to the Waycest place), Bob/anyone? Hi, you know where to comment.

If this was the Grammys I'd pretty much be thanking shoemaster (and the Chicago Snowmobile Parts), tshirtgirl, pearl_o and lordessrenegade right about here. :D

And, now Chris and sundry others are done disowning me... :D :D

(I was also thinking like a week ago that I should make a "guys, just fyi, every day here is defriending amnesty day UNLESS I LIVED WITH YOU AT SOME POINT" type of post, but right now doesn't quite feel like the time to emphasise that. *winning smile*)

And, just to wind up with your regularly scheduled Dumb Things Wot I Have Done At Work summary, today I:
-accidently sprayed myself full in the face at the sink. This could've been a lot worse because a) for once no one actually SAW and then could mock b) it was fucking hot so it actually felt pretty good (total benefit of wearing glasses! no water stabbing you in the eyes!) and c) it led to hilarious text exchanges with several people. (eg. tshirtgirl's response to my saying that there was totally a reason I never pursued drumming (ie, my vast and overwhelming lack of coordination) was to point out that it's far more fun to pursue drummers. I really like the way she thinks. :D)
-was outside splitting samples and a MOTH flew UP MY NOSE. that was special.
-honorary thing #3 - omg giant fuckoff insect. It was HUGE. It was so huge that I decided to remove it VERY SPEEDILY before J. saw it and didn't actually take a crappy cell phone picture this time, but seriously. Huge. And it looked like it had ARMOUR over its wings. My job is always interesting in the most unexpected of ways. :D

also into cats, true confessions, nice pile of rocks, mum, quote!, mail

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