"Dad says they're a reminder of man's ability to generate electricity."

Jul 31, 2007 21:49

Placeholder post where something interesting would totally go, had I something interesting to say. *winning smile* Oh, wait! I got something after all!

In the 'You Know Your Eyesight Is Crappy (and You Watch a Lot of SciFi) When' stakes, let me just ask-- am I the only one who's seen a power pylon standing in the middle of a paddock and thought at first "dude, it's an ENT! Awesome!" before, uh, realising?

Work was omgbusy, mostly because we started doing something and found out after we'd started that it was a test that needed Particular Stuff done every ten minutes for anything from half an hour to five hours (it went for about three, in the end) and oh my god, did that take up a bunch of time. Pub quiz pwned us (as opposed to the shining glories of last week, when we pwned pub quiz) although I did score extra free Malibu in my pineapple juice because the bottle was pretty much empty (suspect am mostly responsible for this! mmm, coconut-y.) and so she just upended it into my drink. \o/

I am reading Sons of Heaven because Chris is a gem among womenfolk and lent it to me before she's even had a chance to read it herself, so rather than share any spoilers, I will only say that I'm about 80 pages in and I have to keep stopping to flail because it is that. damn. good. Kage Baker is pretty much in my top three "authors I would love to have a sekrit fannish identity because OMG" list, constantly. Cannot recommend her Company novels highly enough. Smart, complex, gripping sf, and she uses words beautifully, too. Nggh. Go forth and reaaaaaaaad, flist (honorable exceptions that I know of being Joan and Chris, since they already are/have been).

And with that, I am... ignoring everything else and going back to read that because must know what happens next. Well, maybe ONE game of mahjongg first. (DAMN YOU IZZY! *shakes fist*)

pub quiz, special like turnbull, lotr, nice pile of rocks, kage baker

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