Mmmmm, foamy. /England04

May 18, 2007 21:24

I'm not even going to say "hopefully I'll be around tomorrow" because I seem to jinx myself everytime I make a comment like that, but I was just on the computer for five minutes and had the irresistable urge to put text into the little box (oh LJ, you are so my vice of choice. who needs booze or cigarettes? heh.) before I go back to Farscape and an early night. It's been a tough week, mostly because I've managed to strike myself down with headaches if nothing else all but one night this week, and the thought of trying to spend a couple hours looking at a computer screen is making me run screaming. So instead I've been composing a million LJ posts in my head at work, which is always fun (if frustrating because I am WICKED FUNNY in my head and it never turns out on paper two days later, sigh. ;) ) and then going to bed at like 9pm (crazy, huh?) and trying to sleep a lot. Yes, my life is so very fulfilling and exciting! I'm kind of in a filthy mood right now, despite having actually had a fairly good day at work, which basically is meaning that every time someone talks to me right now I say polite things and then go around the corner of my room and do the silent-scream-of-rage-with-flaily-arms thing to exorcise my feelings of "please just leave me alooooooone!"**

**No, really. I hear people walk up the fucking hallway and I go tense all over while mentally shrieking "go away go away go away!!" God, I am such a horrible person these days.

I had to drive up north to run a bunch of errands yesterday, which was actually really good, despite the fact we're massively overrun at work and me being out for five and a half hours put us even further behind. I had a beautiful transcendant moment coming up to Mt Wellington because I'd decided to stick with the radio till I lost reception (which was about 5 klicks out of Silverdale, actually - I must check in my own car later whether that's good or bad) and it paid off because I had Streets just as I was driving up that rise and One Tree Hill is laid out in front of you, and it was the total full body experience and I so needed that. And then the iPod served me very well once I did lose the radio, though I did have a bad moment where I got myself lost on the Shore (I missed my off ramp, decided to take the next one and work my way back to a place I've only been twice by dead reckoning, which normally I am quite ace at, but apparently dead-reckoning in a half-familiar area is much trickier than navigating blindly around completely foreign locales, go figure) and anyhoo, managed to, um. Stall out. In the middle of a roundabout. With a rather large fuck-off SUV right behind me as it happened. Oops. But I did something fiercely horrible to the gears (I feel bad, it sounded awful!) and managed to get restarted and going in a lightning-fast ten seconds of pure adrenalinised "ohhfuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" which was certainly an improvement on every other time I've fucked up driving a stickshift in public. :D

Made good time up to Wellsford, though, and I got excellent sushi in a ten minute stop at Orewa, and Rodney was as pretty as he it always is. :) (I get way way WAY too much enjoyment from, well, every single sign in Rodney district. *is dork*) And driving a hundred and seven along swoopy up-and-down country roads while singing very loudly (and badly) along with Paul to "32 Down on the Robert McKenzie" is way more fun than is probably legal. And they made up my samples inside of ten minutes this time, which I cannot even describe how much of an improvement that is compared to the TWO HOURS I was waiting last time.

Right. Really going now. Those of you who are receiving the_antichris in the next couple hours, please do, like, post and stuff. Because some of us worry, and like to be sure that all is going well, and so on and so on. And HAVE LOTS OF FUN. And take photos because I haven't seen her new haircut yet! *grin*

Finally, PSA as lifted from Chris: Lush-philes in NZ? They're running a promo at the moment where if you bring in ANY empty shampoo bottle you receive a free solid shampoo. It goes until June 14, and you have to go instore to do it. Methinks I will be going in to 277 either this Sunday or next, and hopefully I'll be able to coordinate that with meeting someone because I refuse to go that far just for a free thing/some shopping. Though it is excellent timing, because my last shampoo bar is on its last legs and mum just finished a bottle of her shampoo so I rescued that before it got chucked out. Mmmm, free stuff you don't have to pay for. *grin*

work, i fail at life, lush

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