Oh my god,
this just makes me so stupidly happy. Oh, GLEN. Ohh Frames. You wonderful, wonderful dorks. (Now, come on over to my country, because it's been far too damn long since the Troubadour.)
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I am completely buggered after work (as my text-victims Kat and Ange are probably aware, at least, heh) in that I ventured out into the wild to collect environmental testing samples on my lonesome. Which then led to a stereotypical Kiwi moment as I took a break (to, um, text people) while waiting for the farmer and the sheep to get out of my way, and some fun driving through gorse bushes, but then ended up, again, with me out the back of the property facing my demons. And by my demons I mean the HUGE HERD OF COWS. I am not scared of cows. I'm not. I merely have a very well-adjusted and sane paranoia about large herds of animals who weigh a metric tonne each (ie, can squish me and NOT in the good way) and are mooing threateningly at me. Also, they were not just heifers, there were at least four bulls in there as well and, uh, no.
The best part was that they were bloody clustered right by the gate to the last bit of the property I have to drive through, and they wouldn't shift no matter how I waved at them or yelled or made weird noises; they just came closer, and every time I tried to open the gate to drive through they tried to walk through themselves (I guess it was close to milking time? I think?) which would have been very very bad, so I had to shut the gate, and then walk along the boundary fence - through gorse bushes, because it's not cleared on that side - with them following me the entire way until I hit the corner and ducked for a minute and they slightly lost interest, so I threw the pH meter and my sample bottle into the gorse on the other side of the track, legged it over the fence, and then darted across the drive to skulk in the gorse bushes on the other side.
And then I ambled down the hill, sticking myself in gorse and nearly losing my boots - my laced up work boots, that is, not even gumboots which you might expect to come off in sticky mud - and got to the bottom and realised I'd gone down the wrong bloody hill, so I had to puff and wheeze back up again, walk further (keeping weather eye out for cows!), and then go down and lather rinse repeat the whole gorse and mud experience to get to the right bit, and then the sodding dead sheep is still blocking up the pipe so I couldn't sample there (also? It smells worse this week and the water smells funny now, too. Great.) which THEN meant I had to clamber over slippery rocks and through knee-deeper mud to get to a point where the stream was flowing enough to fill up a bottle with water, at least. I was a mite tetchy by the time I made it back to the ute. One might go so far as to say I have very Ray Kowalski-like feelings towards nature at this moment. Or at least towards cows.
Also? I am SO planning a revenge cheeseburger at some point this weekend. I know this is irrational and immature, but damnit, those cows were STALKING me and I promised I would get my own back on some of their brethren. Um. Hi, I am a horrible person?
Furthermore, I established to my satisfaction that my coffee habit is not what's making me sneezy and congested of a morning, which is good, but since I did it by way of skipping the coffee, I, well, a) had no coffee :( and 2) have still got a caffeine headache now. Nuts.
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I am trying to catch up on comments etc, I will get to a few more of them soon (hi Q! I promise answers tomorrow, honest!) and lastly I just wanted to say, well, I caught a five second glimpse of
anonymous crush meme this morning as I was running late to work, and just-- you guys. Seriously. So much love. I think that got me through the day, because while it wasn't bad per se, it was challenging, and I am a Claire of Very Little Brain and all, so just... YAY. *squishes y'all*
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So, I admit it. I took the last Roses chocolate in the lounge room, and because I didn't want to get the "that's bad for you don't eat all the time" look/comment I may have shoved it into the waistband of my pajamas until I was safely away from parental observation. And, being me, I may have forgotten I'd done so. And obeying the laws of physics, it may have... uh... melted. Hi. I am SPECIAL.
Also, on Izzy's suggestion I am trying to put a fejoia lolly into my fizzy lime drink. I actually had three lollies left \o/! so I was all afire to try it. Except the lolly is too big to fit down the neck of the bottle. I faaaaaaaail. Woe. And the fact it is only 9pm and I am halfway to semi-conscious is just... sad. *mocks self soundly*
WAIT. MORE EDIT. I just forced the fejoia lolly into the bottle. \o/, right? OR SO YOU WOULD THINK. Because, you know what... Izzy SAID it fizzed up, and I read that and nodded, and thought "ooh, it fizzes up". And then I still did it with the bottle sitting right by my keyboard. O BRAIN, WHERE ART THOU?