Mmmm. Free stuff you don't have to pay for...

Apr 26, 2007 20:25

Okay, so I think I've missed, uh, a bunch of birthdays this week. Crap. I suck, and I am very sorry, and if I missed yours? Please to consider this me making a date to smoosh you appreciatively in the near future (etben, I'm looking at you in particular). <3

I am still completely disorganised, failing life, etc etc, hoping to pull myself together a bit this weekend, because frankly having Wednesday off work mostly served to throw me completely off-kilter and I'm all confused and about thisclose to saying "flag it all" and going to take a bath instead of doing anything. But I have accomplished some things, made up stuff to be mailed which needed doing (though lots more to go still, eek) and I have to knuckle down and start putting stuff on trademe so I can get some money coming in as well as going out. I have a promising lead on some dude looking for some collector cards which I think I own, but otherwise I need to just kick my own ass to list things. Though, along those lines - and I apologise to those of you seeing this for about the umptymillionth time -- is there anyone currently on the flist who is (or knows!) a Marvel comics geek who might be looking to fill in some gaps in a collection? I have most of the X titles from the mid-90s that I'm looking to get rid of for a very nominal amount (ie, shipping plus 1/4 the cover price, basically), so if that sounds like you might want even one or two, let me know what you're after.

I was mostly iPod-less at work today for various reasons but right before lunch I listened to the commentary for Prometheus Unbound and oh man, people, if you are SG-1 or Claudia Black fans? Run, do not walk. Oh man. I did not think I could adore her more, but I WAS WRONG. Nggh. *continues to refuse to change user icon la la la deniiiiiiiial*

Had weird dreams last night about the Muskrat-ier portion of my flist and how we were all living mostly together and, um, running a shop. I think you can all guess what kind of shop. Uh. Yes. Way to go subconscious? :D I was very amused when I woke up. Also, speaking of muskrats - I was watching Bones earlier this week and the guy they caught? Was because there was a MUSKRAT HAIR found in the forensic examination. I may have shrieked quite loudly. The end.

How worried should I be that apparently all I can write is RPS mpreg or backstory for a character who has not only not got a name but has never even had a LINE? Um. Yeah.

x men, work, trademe, dreams, muskrats, birthdays

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