Today's mental soundtrack: "Goa'uld, Goa'uld, it must be Goa'uld! ...or maybe Furlings!" BLAMING IZ.

Jan 12, 2007 20:26

Kat: Shame is so overrated.

Today has been very busy and very long (actually, this whole week has gone really slowly, which is not normal) and internet-based things (paypal and BNZ, I'm lookin' at you) keep refusing to let me log in properly so fee. Instead I shall just put these thoughts up before I lose them. Hopefully my arms will have recovered from being stuffed-ish from work and the weather change (it was positively Biblical out there today. MUD AHOY.) and I can get more done tomorrow. *crosses fingers* So, right, the last three days? I've been sort of living on antacids and painkillers and I suspect this is how Rodney McKay feels ALL THE TIME but frankly if I don't get to be super crazy smart AND shagging John Sheppard as well? He can darned well keep it. BAH. Seriously, if this is what Eating and Acting Healthily gets me I'm going back to be a complete and unabashed slob. *grumblemutterbitchmoan*

Also, Ben Browder (with the able assistance of Claudia Black) keeps making me get stuck in capslock. Viz.:

Me: (Looking at stills of BB handcuffed to a bed and SG-1 S10 promo shots.) JOAN MAKE THEM BE LESS HOT I CANNOT COPE.
Joan: They are hot like that on PURPOSE to TORMENT US.

It's so, so true. So true.

Also, I possibly need to not talk to/around C and unhurt quite so much because today I accidently caught myself writing Canadian RPS mpreg in my head at work. I'm... getting a head start? *head desks while giggling*

Me: You know what would be hot? Jeannie/Elizabeth. Did we go there at all yet?
Kat: Um, wow, that WOULD be hot And John would think so and Rodney would be DISTURBED.
Me: oh my god, YES. Because Elizabeth is hot and lesbians are hot but oh my god, that's his SISTER and goddamnit, Sheppard, he doesn't need to hear this!

...I like us a lot. <3

special like turnbull, quote!, sga

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