Bunnies, bunnies it must be BUNNIES! ...or maybe midgets.

Jan 11, 2007 22:59

If I could write Joss-verse stuff I would be so very tempted to have Buffy Summers and Daniel Jackson getting trashed in a dive bar somewhere trying to out-do each other with How Bad the Universe Has Screwed Me Over stories. Because that would amuse the hell out of me. And, in the If-I-Could-Vid stakes, today I got hit with the thought (seriously, this has to have crossed the fannish hive mind at least four times already, right?) that you could do a hilarious SG-1 team vid to "I've Got a Theory" from Once More with Feeling. Daniel, of course, would BE Buffy. :D And so having had that thought and being me, I was compelled to share it with, uh, a lot of people. Which then led to:

Me: Did you ever watch Buffy? I swear I have a good reason to ask.
BlueRaven: *has only seen two episodes of it*
Me: Oh, damn, because there's a song from it that would make such a funny vid.
BlueRaven: It isn't the bunny song, is it? Cos that's one of the episodes I have seen.
Me: ...OMG. Yes, it is! Hee!

But that's not the funny thing, really. The funny thing is that ten minutes after sending her that last text I left work, pulled out of the car park and then N. waved me over and I thought "oh, crap, maybe we're not meant to be driving on this part of the stockyard right now or something" so I wound down the window to talk to him and he was holding two baby bunny rabbits. I just. HEE. Except, poor bunnies - I asked where they'd come from and he'd found them in the bucket of the loader, because they'd tried to make a burrow in the stockpile. I could see the entry to it when I drove past, too. Hopefully the mama rabbit made it out okay and found the wee ones where he put them into the bush on the other side of the drive.

Time to head off now, though, as we went out for dinner (Nana has been visiting since Dec, and she goes back to Aust. tomorrow) and so I've been out most of the evening. And am muy tired, as usual. Have been cutting back on the coffee and the coke, though, so that has to help, right?

work, vids, buffy

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