(no subject)

Dec 13, 2006 16:08

...okay, McKay, do NOT make me make noises like that when there are PEOPLE around! I got to the bit with "bet them a month's pay" and I shrieked.

And the whole back and forth with Zelenka is just... eeeeeeeee with the cute.

And oh my god, his FACE as he says "I think I just lost... big time". Oh David Hewlett. You are so fucking ediblecute.

(also, wow, the COLOUR in the HDTV version. WOW.)


! John being jealous about Rodney 'showing off'! The 'perfect little-'! AHAHAHAHA. Faux-heterosexuality for the WIN. *tin-hats merrily away*

OH MY GOD OH MY GOD DID THAT THING DO WHAT I THINK IT-- OH MY GOD IT SO DID. Oh my god, "feeding his unhappiness"?!! they are 12 year old GIRLS. GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS.

...okay, so his tablet sliding into his hand like that? REALLY HOT. why was that so hot? but it WAS.

Yay Chuck! And Elizabeth looks all pretty and concerned here. <3

eee! Zelenka/Weir quality time! working together! heads bent over some-- wait, now I'm turning into Miles' bad mental fanfic. HEE.

"wouldn't it be great if all their weapons jammed at the same time" *is head over heels in love. again.* eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. and everyone's faces.

Is John perched on the edge of Rodney's bed?? oh my god. he so is, isn't he?? *continues to flail* Also, wow, Rodney's inner 12 year old comics nerd must be practically wetting himself with glee.

John and Elizabeth's "Ancients suck!" conversation is also up there with the Best Things Ever. And I hope Elizabeth is just playing Devil's Advocate with the tiny bit of sticking up for them, mostly it just seems like she's doing the thing I do where she corrects him on facts even if the main point of his argument is correct. Heee.
Eeeeeeeeeeeee quoting Spiderman eeeeeeee you could see it coming a mile away but it was STILL COOL (also I am still not over the Evel Knievel thing) eeeeeeeee. Okay, let's face it, this post is mostly going to be me going "eeeeeeee".

"I'm just saying-"
"Yes, you can be next."

ELIZABETH. I LOVE YOU. HAVE. ALL. MY. BABIES. Seriously. Poor woman. It must be like being den mother to a bunch of hyperactive frighteningly intelligent children with thermonuclear weaponry. No thank you.

Ronon for the WIN. oh god. ahahahahaha. I think there could be some seriously interesting fic about the way Rodney always folds when pushed by Ronon if someone could give it a better work around than "the writers default to geek-bows-down-before-muscle-man stereotype", anyway.

BATMAN AND RONON. oh god. I bet they've been saving that joke forever. Oh, Rodney. *unpauses* *lasts precisely four seconds before having to repause and reflail* FATMAN. AHAHAHAHA. Ronon is a six year old boy!

!! Telepathy! And, yay, canon for women finding Rodney hot-- oh, wait, she's going to have meant Ronon, isn't she? Oh, Rodney. Some of us would totally do you. Some of us really don't usually like boys at all and would STILL totally do you.

Although, okay, I would've expected that Rodney of all people would jump to the "oh shit" implications of mind-reading faster than anyone else. Ronon's "no it isn't" wins eternally, though.

"is your weapon set to stun? oh, never mind, wait, did it myself" and Ronon's FACE and oh David Hewlett you are enjoying this SO MUCH aren't you??

OMG. he said "awesome". he IS evil! they're evil!Willow-ing us!! (oh my god, it's taken me half an hour to watch 13 minutes of this. i need to stop pausing to flail!)

(oh my god, his EYELASHES when he's all lounging in the control chair alskdjalksdjalksj.)

and Sheppard's fidgety hands when he's all sprawling in the chair in Elizabeth's office? Also with the hot. *shallow!*

...RADEK!! wtf. show. you do NOT do this to me. okay, hokey healing effect and all, but oh my god, all the Rodney/Radek shippers just exploded in glee, didn't they? fuckin' a.

he. invented. new. math. (um, i also find that hot.)

Elizabeth's conversation with Rodney about ascension kind of makes me squishy inside. Oh, people. *hugs them BOTH*


"release his burden". with bunny ears. what. the. fuck. Sheppard, you did NOT mean what we all think you meant. ...did you? can they even IMPLY that on a pg show? o_O *dies and is even deader* "maybe Heightmeyer can help" "actually I was thinking more along the lines of you" ?!! I mean. They had to know we'd jump to the innuendo conclusion. This is just- they are FUCKING with us, they totally are!

oh my god they're 'meditating' in John's ROOM by CANDLELIGHT. i just. show. oh god. I can't EVEN.

"find a position that works" oh god. so many wav. files of dodgyness could be made from this. SO MANY. and oh god, the return of the ferris wheels. seriously. they're reading fanfic.

Telling Radek he's a brilliant scientist and then the apologising and *whimper* and the bit with the TEA and Teyla, and oh god, her face. And Rodney being gentle just kills me. Okay, Ronon nearly made me cry. The matter of fact-ness of that. Fuck. Okay, what he did for Elizabeth? THAT made me tear up. For so many reasons - because she's undersold and underutilised by the writers and she ends up being the wall for the McKay and Sheppard show to run into and bulldoze half the time, however fairly, and just- oh, Rodney. And of course whatever he has for Sheppard is last, of course it has to be. *whimpers* *whimpers more* Oh. Boys. And I mean that in a not slashy way. Well, in a non-slashy way too. I just. GOD. (And also, argh, because right before Rodney collapsed it so looked like John was about to hug him.)

!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD. (we all know what prompted THAT).

"you're just saying that cos you're a guy" OH GOD SERIOUSLY.

I think. I think this maybe just blew past the Return and left Sateda in the dust. OH MY GOD.

Ronon's reaction is the best thing in the fucking WORLD. "I don't understand what any of you are talking about. [pause] It's good to have you back, buddy." YAY HUG. *is grinning like a crazy person*

And that smug little boyish "I'm very happy with who I am. And you love me." *flails so very much*



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