Intarwebs, how are you so awesome?

Jun 06, 2006 23:21

Why, gmail, why? What do you want? It's holding my email hostage! Except the desktop notifier thingy is still working, so I KNOW I have emails that are not comments in there and I wanna knoooooooow and it won't show me? Surely it can't want chocolate. Or money. It's EMAIL. *pokes at it* Do you want spam? Internet viagra? Throw me a bone here!! Gah.

In other news, it is SO COLD I am wearing pajamas, my Cleveland hoodie AND a blanket. Winter is so fired. I mean Autumn. Autumn is fired. Oh tawg, it's going to get worse.

*throws pity party* *in a room with heaters*

Also, I maybe got sidetracked by other stuff and the aforementioned email issue and um... no, I haven't spent an hour reading fic about minor characters who don't even have first names yet AT ALL. Not me. Nope. Memo to self: rediscover will power. However, prioritise discovery of FIRE first. See above, re cold.

I also had totally confusing dreams last night and kept waking up a lot. One of them involved Mishloran being angry at me because I was limping and couldn't cross the road fast enough and there was something about a wedding and taxis as well? It was very confusing. Mish, you wouldn't make me try to run across a busy road in a cast, would you? I'm sure you wouldn't. Also there may have been an incident where 'we' (not sure who we was, just that it was me + others) dared Teyla to steal John's clothes while he was changing and she did and apparently my subconscious thinks he screams like a girl. Ahem. It was entertaining.

And now, I have to go to bed. And stop thinking about the latest GarrettVerse thing from BLG because, um, seriously, even remembering it is making me weep with laughter and that's just not great for my manly pride. Or something. *g* *weakly* INTERCAPPING. God.

Oh! Oh! And! Awesome thing driving home today! I flipped onto the Rock and they played Everlasting Love. I flailed so. hard.

radio haruspicy, dreams, recs, garrettverse, intercapping, sga, u2, quote!

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