"Don't tell them that, though, cos they'll get egos."

May 01, 2006 22:07

Have only skimmed stuff, so I'll get to things eventually, if I haven't already. /disclaimer because I'm me

Onto All About Me (or At Least, My Weekend) News: Okay, so, the recordings I took at Armageddon came out sort of fabulous sort of awful, if that makes sense. As pure sound recordings they're pretty damn good if I say so myself, but because the camera has no 'sound only' option, the video is more or less The Back of the Man In Front Of Us' Head/Seat, because there was no subtle way to hold up the camera for it. Some of the video clips (talking about Firefly and what that was like, talking about SGA (it was an ACCIDENT, I started taping and THEN someone asked the question, JOSS-THE-GOD-OF-FANDOMS LOVES ME OKAY?) , etc etc) are quite amusing, but they're all pretty big files on account of the useless video. And I don't know how to strip the sound to make it a pure audio file. So, what I'm asking is - before I go tromping over to sendspace or ysi or whatever, does anyone actually WANT these clips? I'm more than happy to share, I just want to check there's actually gonna be an audience. I'm pretty sure at least one video has SOME of her visible in it, so I'll probably put that up anyway, but since I have a shittyass zoom on my camera the regular stills aren't so hot either. Comment below if interested, okay? And, BOO, because my John Billingsley pictures didn't come out at ALL and he was darling. Actually, anyone vaguely interested probably wants the one where she talks about each one of the other cast members and why she loves them and AM GOO, hi. Chris' write up of the weekend is excellent and covers pretty much everything, though I may manage my own later. Though I think she failed to mention the part where we turned around and walked out of a cafe because they had spelled 'bagel' and 'panini' wrong on their menu. Uh. We win at snob? Heh.

Chris with our coffee order number on the Saturday, when we took a writing break from the Expo (because there's only so much interest it holds when, yannow, you no longer have as much disposable income as your fifteen year old self and also are no longer quite so into the media fandoms represented there). This started a vague trend of the weekend where every time I ordered coffee it took A MILLION YEARS to actually come. Happened twice. True story.

Jewel Staite. She's a lot blonder these days than she was as Kaylee. And she's TINY. And utterly adorable.

I believe this may have been mid-"flipping-the-bird" story. :D

Wee! Mini! Petite!

Walking along the waterfront, Wellington.

And a little more of similar.

The front of the National Museum, Te Papa. Yes, I saw the exhibit in 2002. What's your point? :D I am still mildly cheesed at my phone for refusing to admit it had a working photo function and thus leaving me unable to steal cameraphone pictures of the enormous scale model of Minas Tirith. *lusts* Want. (What's it made out of? POLYSTYRENE!)

Yes, I DID shove my nose right up against the glass of the wall in the lobby of Te Papa to sneak a highly unallowed photo of the model of the Haradrim's corsair. I wish it wasn't so reflecty. But oh man, was it ever COOL.

The Cuba St fountain, aka the public art analogue to solitaire, in that you find yourself just standing there and watching it in a hypnotic state. It's wonderful. I love it and this picture is for Izzy, who 'owns' it for me, really. *less-than-threes* Also, it's slightly infamous for being abused by certain actors from a certain film trilogy. :D

One end of Cuba St and, for Lacy and Dasha and Izzy: the Poshest Burger King Ever.

Was walking across the road and trying not to get runover while being rained on while taking this, so it's unfortunate that you can't really see the sign. This is Molly Malone's in Wellington. Conveniently located on Courtenay Place. I suspect Izzy and I took this same picture in 2002 as well. :D

The Lake They Call Taupo, from the carpark in the shops across the motorway. The lake was so amazingly still, it was just gorgeous and we both nearly wanted to go for a dip (even though it would've been FREEZING). The road goes a good third of the way around what is a very large lake (it's not quite Great Lake sized, but it's not all that small) and it hugs right up against the shore for a lot of that way too, and it's just so godsblessed pretty. I wish I'd had the camera earlier - I hadn't/haven't been through Taupo since Gemma and I went down in 2001 (?!) to stalk Shihad when they played there. See, U2 is so not my first time. :D

Familiar to at least four of you: Corrugated Iron Jesus! Tirau's Thing is that they have Corrugated Iron Stuff. Including Jesus. We also passed through Taihape (Gumboot Capital of the World) and Bulls (Adora-bull! Socia-bull! Relia-bull! Incorriga-bull!) and skated by the turnoffs for Ohakune (home of the Giant Carrot!) and Paeroa (home of the Giant L&P Bottle!) but since I had left the camera in the boot until we stopped for coffee in Taupo there are no photos of these places.

I got a little frustrated driving back, because from about three-thirty, four onwards, the sky was unspeakably gorgeous and the colours and the textures and the CLOUDS and I was going slightly nuts (poor Chris was trying to sleep through me squeaking "OH LOOK!" every ten seconds) over it and I wish I'd been able to capture it a bit better with the camera. It was just so bright and open and glorious. Middle Earth, baby, all the way.

So, um, yeah, I took quite a lot of photos.

A very much lot, even.

It looked like faery should've been hiding behind it, you know? I don't know that I've ever - and unfortunately, THAT particular photo is so overexposed you can't even see it - seen something that was so perfectly 'bruised silken sky'. It was all the purples and mauves and lavenders and white and baby powder blue, all backlight and pale and soft looking, all shades rippling across the arc of the heavens, and nearly mountain-blue sky behind all that. NGH.

The road goes ever on and on... (State Highway One was very good to us.)

Oh my god. I flailed when I saw how this came out. Chris took this out the window as we were coming up to Huntly (unfortunately, none of the pictures with the chimneys of Huntly Power Station came out at all visible) and, god, this is gorgeous but it doesn't even approach what it looked like in reality. This is the sunset and the clouds reflecting in the Waikato river. For the U2y lot of you, this is the river that 'runs to the sea'.

Video: Jewel Staite talking about Nathan Fillion's nude scene. This is CLASSIC. You have to hear this one, people. 1min 15 sec/26MB.

Video: Jewel Staite and her prank war with Nathan. Video is actually of her in this one, too. Again, FUNNY. 1 min, 23 sec/29MB.

In conclusion, I cannot believe I am older than her (wtf?!) and also, she will never ever not remind me of Shannon now. It's the sweetness and the funny and the way she talks - she really sounds more almost-Californian than Canadian to me...

I also have video of the Cuba St fountain, except being the rocket scientist I am NOT, it's sideways. Oops? Will upload if anyone wants it, anyway.

Also, memo to self: being tempted to mention Richard Pearce every time someone online mentions the Wright Brothers is never, ever going to end well. Even if he did totally beat them. See horses, dead, the beating thereof. *prig! prig!*

ETA: Watched Game of 2 Halves with mum. They did it again. "Dickknuckle" will never not be the funniest insult ever. OW. *cannot stop laughing*

jewel staite, picspam, firefly, wellington, sga

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