"I am not, however, empty-trousered."

Dec 05, 2005 14:15

'...and now Fraser's making tiny little velociraptor noises, chittering, and, memo to self, do not, repeat do not let Dief watch Jurassic Park right before bed beause boy with the weird mental associations, and he does not need to be picturing that again right now, especially not when his equally sharp teeth are- are- well. There. Yes. Ray buries his head beneath the pillow, groans and shudders around the bite.'

...SERIOUSLY BRAIN. WTF? Where does this even COME FROM?


I have not been the slightest bit useful today. Bah. But I can't shower yet in case the door or phone rings... and ditto post office (not that I've packed the box yet or anything SENSIBLE like that) and I need to repack my shit and also Christmas shopping and just. *hides under the duvet again* *muffled* Better.

Really, though, I will go sit in the other room and watch the Mountie and the Chicago Flatfoot soon beause I should do something worthwhile. Er. You know what I mean.

EDIT: [because despite indications to the contrary, I don't actually want you all to throttle me for spamming]

-Izzy, your work jeans that you hate and left here mostly fit me. Mind if I steal?

-I am so obsessedinlove with BellX1's cover of Heartland. I keep forgetting to mention this. So. Much. Love.

ds fic, due south, i am teh useless, denver

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