1. What song are you currently addicted to?
This changes constantly. But the one that I get stuck in my head a lot recently? Bad Romance. I can't get enough of it, it's such a writing inspiring song.
2. What books are you currently reading?
The Tale of Genji. It's almost finished though! Next I will be reading a book about the Shinsengumi. I am EDUCATING MYSELF.
3. What was the last movie you saw?
At the movies? Crap, I can't honestly remember. I did recently watch Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. It wasn't bad, but um. Don't pay to watch it in Japan, watch it in the US.
4. Happy news you've just received?
Yesterday I got my Mameshiba that Ping bought for me, and he IS HUGE. Seriously, bigger than my torso huge. It's AWESOME. He is so snuggly!
5. At least one detail about a person you like?
He's not real, but he's still the perfect man for me<3
I swear to GOD this is bad, I am in a "post-crush" phase at the moment, looking for someone new to fall for but not really finding it. It takes awhile for me to build up a proper crush. XD So, we'll just take my "astral husband" for the lols. If you REALLY think that I am this nuts, you are sadly mistaken, I DO IT FOR THE LOLS
6. What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Still Obito. Guys, as soon as Tobi's identity is revealed, for better or worse THIS MIGHT END.
I have lots of of other interests, but collecting gloomy bears and mameshiba REALLY aren't that interesting. I post my dresses sometimes but I've been feeling so disgusting lately that HAHA I just haven't taken a lot of pictures of myself.
7. What present are you expecting?
Senpai drawing me boys touching? 8D
8. How would you want to humiliate a person you dislike?
I would like to do it Sue Sylvester style.
Send you a kitten, let you fall in love with that kitten. And then one night, sneak into your house, and punch you in the face.
Sadly I am not that evil. orz
9. What was the last thing you bought?
Sushi. Last non-food thing? Technically I paid Ping back for the new Gloomy and Mameshiba. From the store, laundry soap.
10. Would you rather date a good singer, or a good cook?
Good question! Maybe a good singer, because I can always set him to work chopping vegetables while he sings for me~
11. Something that made you laugh today?
I just got up. Getting permission to write Kakashi in Rin's clothing for a dream? XD That was technically this morning. I went to bed reeeeaaally late.
12. What do you do to change your mood?
Cook or write. Somehow creating really can help. I can write out my frustrations and then I feel a little better.
If that fails? I call my mommy.
13. What was the last meal you ate?
Breakfast pita. :3 It wasn't bad, but not one of my best.
14. Countries you want to visit?
Also Thailand, Spain, Ireland and Greece. England and Spain are getting checked off this Winter, DAMMIT. BETHERS AND DRAGGY I MUST SEE YOOOOUUUUUUU. ;A; ALSO anyone else who wants to see me whislt I am in England, lemme know! Apparently I will be around London area (within an hour-ish, I think. I FORGET WHAT I WAS TOLD HAHAHAHAHA)
15. Any plans for today?
Go to work.
Do dishes.
Collect items for class tomorrow
16. Find the closest book currently sitting near you and flip to page 54. What is the first sentence of the second paragraph?
He was most persuasive.
~Tale of Genji
Ohhh Genji, that rascal!
17. The most disturbing thing you've ever watched?
Anything that involves losing teeth. There were parts of District 9 I could not watch because that guy was losing teeth and I just can't deal.
Amazingly I'm good with rocks, they just DEPRESS ME.
18. What kind of music is contained in your hard drive?
Better to ask what ISN'T.
I'll tell you what should be NOT IN MY COLLECTION but probably is.
Sea Chanties.
Yeah I have a lot of music. 8D More and more of it is stuff that I legitimately own too! 8D
19. How do you watch your anime?
I usually only watch it via skype with Celeste. XD I only watch Naruto anymore. I was watching FMA Brotherhood at one point, but I stopped after awhile. I just forgot about it. I sadly watch a lot of stuff online, it just never got into my weekly schedule.
But I prefer to watch it on tv when it airs. Makes me feel special.