May 13, 2009 22:31
I hate that I screwed up my diet the other month so now I feel the need to be strict so I can get back on it. Not a call for sympathy, but HOT DAMN I am dumb. Oh well, in the long run, at least I am eating healthier!
But I really, REALLY want a brownie. Seriously, you guys. Brownies. I need them. Desperately.
But right now, looking at the recipes only makes me want to eat and, well, no. No can do! I have eaten PLENTY today.
On the bright side? My teas got here today. With an added bonus of delicious chocolate treats from home. In 100 calorie sized packages.
And now, I must get a shower and sleep. Because I have to be at work tomorrow to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Well, okay, I guess I'll be lesson planning, but SHEESH no classes! And me with all my grading done, le sigh. Whatever is a girl to do?
Well, I have a few ideas, and they all involve finishing the work early, and goofing off in the afternoon.
At least I am getting presents from the kids going to Okinawa. XD Of course, I ASKED, so. . . AHAHAHAHA. But still, tasty Okinawan treats!
And I wonder why I'm fat? Hahahaha, you bring this on yourself, self
Okay, off to freeze some OJ! 8D Oh yeah, I am feeling better, yay. DIE. COLD, DIIIIIE!!!
2009 resolutions,
life in japan,