I'll do Yuletide for a Thousand Years (and request the same things for every one)

Sep 07, 2013 22:51

I accidentally started rereading Oresama Teacher today, and it is still absolutely the most perfect non-shounen manga that has ever been made. There's just this perfect balance between ridiculousness, meta, plot, violence and shoujo moments (and yet there's no love triangle. this is sort of where the ridiculousness comes in). It has my exact sense of humor. It is basically my Hot Fuzz of manga.

What I'm basically saying here is that who am I kidding, I'm totally requesting it for Yuletide again this year. Last year I got the most perfect story for it ever, but I still want something stupidly shippy, so I guess I'm going to be greedy and ask for it again. I kind of also want more A.I. Gang fic, which I have already gotten as well. Basically 3/4 of my letter is going to be copy-pasted (and maybe tweaked a little) from previous ones. >.> The heart wants what the heart wants, I guess.


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