I'm the type that won't get oh so critical

Sep 06, 2013 21:09

So far it hasn't been crazily hot today! Perhaps the heat wave is over and the cats can stop lying around like slugs (rachel's image, not mine). Also I learned a new word - inanition.

Slayers is on youtube with english subtitles and everything is fabulous, except for the dreams I had last night, one of which involved two of my ex-best friends, me calling the police after witnessing a gang murdering someone in a park, and my subsequent run from the gang's henchmen. The other dream was about spiders the size of ping pong paddles. Game of Thrones is maybe not the best thing to watch before going to sleep.

My cupcake manicure is still adorable and I'm going to try out Tai Chi next week. May all go well.
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