Ugh I accidentally reminded myself that the movie Doom exists and regret it so much. :((( That movie felt like it was specifically designed to make my heart hurt: it starts out as a stupid action movie (I was only watching it for Karl Urban) and then turns into a thing about how Karl Urban, solja boy, had a falling out with his sister 10 years prior and them hugging it out while being attacked by crazy mutants. It's like two and some hours of Karl Urban being protective with a bonus anti-military message (the Sargent that was kind of a dick goes crazy and bloodthirsty) AND it ends on
this shot. Cue me dying inside. If I were to ship non-Wincest incest, this would def be it. I totally almost requested this for Yuletide last year. >.>
Rachel has been making me watch One Tree Hill and I've actually been liking it. Damn you, CMM! You were kind of a terrible person at that time in your life, but your character was so well-meaning!
I've ALSO been watching this kdrama Unagi wanted me to watch - I've been doing things with my time other than watching TV and movies, I swear. ...although we saw The Heat and it was really, really good, go to your nearest movie theater now and watch it - called Dating Agency: Cyrano and accidentally trolled myself pretty hard in the process. :(
See, at this one point of the second or third episode, one guy is comforting another guy by hugging him to his side while also salaciously stroking his neck in a very non-bro fashion. Naturally, this had to be screencapped and shared with the only other person who I know knows of the show: Unagi. Unagi is down for the not-slash just as much as for the slash, so I figured, in the interest of fairness, I would include some screencaps of the
unusually touchy-feely scene I'd seen between Main Girl and side character guy.
Let me, at this point, get something straight: Main Guy in this show is waaaaaaay older than main girl, isn't very attractive, and also has no chemistry with her whatsoever. Their conversations, rather than feeling like banter, feel like he's her uncle that happens to shoot down everything she says.
Case in point. Also he even has an old flame that's in town that seems v receptive to reconciliation. Competition Guy is also pretty old comparatively, although he has small traces of chemistry with Main Girl. Once I jokingly screencapped their interaction once, however, I noticed that Side Character Guy and Main Girl touch each other
all the time,
encourage one another,
watch one another from afar and also
smile when the other one enters the room. They would be a functional, affectionate couple that would last, I'm sure of it. It will never happen because that isn't the kdrama formula. ;A;
tl;dr I trolled myself into shipping something that is so plausible I can taste it, but will never happen -> yet another Yuletide nomination for me. siiiiiiiiiiiigh.