Jan 23, 2009 00:18
A while back, I had been having stiffness and pain at times in the hip region of my body. This problem runs among my mother's side of the family. Daily I would quote Scripture concerning the healing promise in this covenant we are in, and fight the good fight of faith to overcome the infirmity and generational curse. I used every weapon I know from our manual (Scripture). It was a long and labor intensive fight. But then victory came and I had a few months (the past few months) free from any immobility or pain.
Then one night recently I came home from work limping with my right hip area full of pain and nearly seizing up completely. There were times I felt like I couldn't take another step with it, that I might actually have to hop on my left leg or drag the right one along. My job requires constant movement with fast direction changes including quick starts and stops. Any hindrance to my mobility could lessen my ability to do my job effectively.
Well, I began to fight again. This is not the first time I'd received healing manifestly for something then later it tries to come back. As I prayed over it and quoted Scripture I could easily discern the spiritual warfare going on, and I knew the enemy was not just indirectly behind it, but directly behind it, trying to put me back in bondage to it.
I went to bed still hobbling and in great pain. Kathy woke up and asked how my night at work was. I asked her to pray over my leg, by the laying on of hands. She placed her hands on my hips and began to pray in the spirit (see 1 Cor 14 if you don't know what that term means). I could feel the tangible anointing manifesting and going through my hips, especially the right one that hurt.
After praying a little she stopped and asked, "Is it this one that hurts the most?" speaking of my right hip. I had not told her. I confirmed what she had already picked up on. She returned to praying in the spirit with her hands on my hips. It felt like a hand going through touching me on the inside. As the anointing did this tangibly, it brought both great comfort but at times as it worked on the problem, even sharper pain would occur in response. I just kept my body relaxed and prayed in the spirit also.
It became better and better. The pain left and I was able to sleep soundly all night. I went to work the next day without any immobility (no limping at all) and no pain. This week I've even picked up extra shifts and am still going strong. HalleluYah! He's still the Healer!
I pray this testimony encourages your faith to believe and receive from him! Also, I pray it teaches you and encourages you to fight the good fight. It is not always just one battle we fight over something. Sometimes the enemy tries to come back and we have to fight again. The key is not to give up! Don't believe his lie the second time, third time, or any time he comes over an issue, trying to get you to receive his curses and destruction.
If you are a follower of Yahshua (Jesus) the Messiah, you have a new Master and are not under the rule of sin and death and that devil any longer. But, on this side of the resurrection, you have to fight the good fight of faith to gain freedom and new territory. It does not come automatically as some think it will "if it is God's will." No sir. He has already made his will known through the written Word. Just as with Israel, you have to fight to take the land. If you are one who prefers unbelief and no fighting, you'll die in the wilderness.
Unbelief is the problem. We know it is his will to heal people in and through the new covenant because it is written. There need be no question about it. If we believe Scripture, we believe in healing. If we believe in the "God" of Scripture, we believe he's our Healer. But the flesh and the enemy will try to contradict this and get you agreeing with his lies. His lie calls the Word a liar.
As soldiers in YHWH's army, we must choose to stand our ground and fight, and not give in to that lying devil! We fight and we fight and we don't give up! If you have given up the fight in an area of your life, it is because you've sided with the devil's lie and made a peace treaty with him. Think about that for a minute. A PEACE TREATY WITH SATAN! Are you coming to terms with him or fighting and defeating him?
All believers can fight and overcome - it is a matter of will. We all are given the measure of faith and can exercise faith. The question is; will we? Will you? My household has made our decision, years ago. We aren't turning back - we've come too far.
We encourage you to join us! There is no living like supernatural living, trusting in YHWH and following Yahshua by his perfect example. We have not reached perfection, but we won't stop running the race and fighting the fight until we get there. We will get there because it is HIS strength taking us on (as we are willing). Just be willing. Submit your all to HIM and you get his ALL. Hold back and he will. Draw nigh unto him and he'll draw nigh unto you. Stay back and he'll remain hidden.
So, what do you say? Will you go "all in" with us? What do you have to lose but the pitiful things of the flesh that are temporary and passing away? What do you have to lose but sin and death to gain righteousness and life more abundantly? Put your chips "all in!" For HIM live and for HIM die and you can know without doubt he'll be with you all along the way. Amen!
We love you and pray for your victory - may the anointing break the yokes of bondage!