Jan 13, 2009 23:36
*In this article I'm using only the original language names and titles of "God" and most of the readers I know of here are familiar with these - if you are not and don't understand something, I'll be happy to take time to explain - just ask.
Gal 4:22-31 RNKJV For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. (23) But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. (24) Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar. (25) For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. (26) But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all. (27) For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband. (28) Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise. (29) But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now. (30) Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman. (31) So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free.
There is a great conflict going on for every born again (of the Spirit, not just the flesh) person, whether they know what is going on or not. They know something is conflicting inside, but many may not understand what is going on. Because of this ignorance, many cannot tell when something is of the Spirit or the flesh, and therefore make many unnecessary, and harmful (to spiritual growth and (re)productivity) mistakes. It is common in these days for "believers" to go through this life by their own understanding (whereas we are told not to lean on our own understanding), rather than by the Spirit.
So, what is the conflict, what is it all about, and how can knowing help us be Spirit-led rather than natural understanding led (even natural understanding of Scripture)?
The conflict is between the flesh and the spirit. When you were born the first time, of the flesh, of a natural mother, you became a living soul among the human race (Adam-kind). Of course, since the first Adam, every natural human being was born into sin and death, being covered in spiritual darkness, and the natural understanding darkened (concerning the things - heavenly - of YHWH ("the LORD")). This natural man cannot understand or receive the things of the Spirit (willingly).
Rom 8:5-14 RNKJV For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. (6) For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. (7) Because the carnal mind is enmity against YHWH: for it is not subject to the law of YHWH, neither indeed can be. (8) So then they that are in the flesh cannot please YHWH. (9) But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of YHWH dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of the Messiah, he is none of his. (10) And if the Messiah be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. (11) But if the Spirit of him that raised up Yahushua from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up the Messiah from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. (12) Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. (13) For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. (14) For as many as are led by the Spirit of YHWH, they are the sons of YHWH.
1Co 2:12-14 RNKJV Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of Elohim; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of YHWH. (13) Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Spirit teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. (14) But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of YHWH: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
It does not matter how much we try to religiously train our natural minds, the natural mind simply does not get the things and ways of the Spirit. And what is the judgment the natural mind has against the workings of the Spirit? That such is foolishness. That is the root judgment, though the surface thoughts may vary. The bottom line is that the natural mind will not agree with the Spirit. Therefore, to operate in the Spirit, we must put the natural mind into subjection and take every thought captive.
2Co 10:3-5 RNKJV For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (4) (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through Elohim to the pulling down of strong holds;) (5) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of YHWH, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of the Messiah;
We are still in the flesh and have to deal with the natural mind and the body, but we are not to live according to such, or war according to such. Religiosity is man's attempt at remodeling the old nature to look scriptural, sound scriptural, and so forth, according to that sectarian or denominational thinking, traditions, and doctrine. But that isn't spiritual, as much as they'd try to pass it off as such.
Many have misunderstood and think that Scripture is spiritual. Don't stone me yet - wait for the point I'm making. Scripture in itself is certainly spiritual because it was given not by man's natural thinking, but as the Holy Spirit moved on men, inspiring their writing. But, when I say it is a misunderstanding that Scripture is spiritual, I am speaking of the idol people make of Scripture, while rejecting the Holy Spirit. See, Scripture is inspired and from the Holy Spirit, but is not the Holy Spirit. Scripture is about the Word, but is not the Word (who came in the flesh - John 1). See, people tend to put the thing from YHWH up over YHWH without realizing it.
This is because of that great conflict we face within after being born of the Spirit. The old nature and the new nature are in conflict. The old man resists the new man. The old man wants to inherit and tries to dress up for the part, but only the new man is an heir (of YHWH and his Kingdom). The new man does not have to do anything (no religious work) to become or continue being an heir. He is what he is, begotten so by the Spirit of Elohim.
However, because of the conflict, and the guilt and shame the flesh has over sin, it tries to cover up or dress up according to religious works, to try to be acceptable and stay acceptable to YHWH. It won't work. This only leads to constant frustration with self as one hopelessly persues perfection. Perfection of the flesh right now is not the objective of our warfare. Submission of the flesh is rather what we are after, with the new man of the spirit dominating.
Let me give an example of a religious change that is a cover-up versus a true victory of the spirit over the flesh. One person stops using foul language (perverse and evil talking - not necessarily "four letter words" though such may include that) because they learn such is "bad" and they religiously conform and begin to edit their speech, especially around others, or around certain people. Another person simply has no more desire to speak so anymore, and the change is natural, not a striving of the flesh in its own strength, but a resting in YHWH.
Ministers get burnt out all the time by trying to minister by the flesh. They religiously teach, preach, pray, pastor, etc. After years of this, they begin to desire to quit. They get tired of pastoring the church in their own strength. One pastor I know of from the Baptist denomiination finally came to the end of himself after a few decades of this, and told "God" one day in his church study that, "If there isn't anything more to it than this, I quit." He meant if there isn't more power for ministry he quits the ministry. YHWH responded and the man found himself on the floor under the power of the Spirit and speaking in other tongues. From that point on, the anointing increased in his ministry and powerful mighty things happened. He was no longer seeking to minister by his own understanding or power, but according to the lead and empowerment of the Spirit. He was resting (having Sabbath) in the Spirit.
Of course, it wasn't long before those who were controlled by the flesh and not the Spirit ran him out of the denomination. Most of his church followed and they formed a new non-denominational church, which to this day (many years later) is operating in power of the Spirit to minister all over the world, starting locally. Many spiritual children have been raised up who went on to themselves minister in power. The growth of this pastor's ministry went from struggling and plateaued, to thriving and not by man's programs efforts, but supernaturally. Why? He finally gave in to the way of the Spirit. It wasn't easy. That man struggled for decades as a pastor, before he came to the place that he knew he could not go on in his own strength any more.
I hope we will get it sooner! Trying to do the work of the Kingdom by the power of the flesh will not get you very far. The deceptive part is, however, that it may look like we are making progress, because we look for the natural. Cults and false religions can gain millions of converts. Just look at Islam. That doesn't mean the Spirit is in it or helping it out. The flesh can build big kingdoms of its own. Think Babylon or Rome or Islam again. These kingdoms, whether geo-political or religious, can be built by the strength of the flesh with people cooperating. But, only the Spirit can cause what happened on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2 and the results of the Jerusalem church after that. Just like Yahshua ("Jesus"), they worked by the power of the Spirit. It was supernatural. People were healed, miracles took place, heavenly utterances were given to men, etc.
Some where along the line, most churches became religious and operated only by their understanding of Scripture, through natural means and strength. They rejected the supernatural. Why? It is this great conflict in each of us between the spirit and the flesh. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, as Scripture says. The spirit is ready to receive from the Holy Spirt, but the corrupt (evil) flesh is at enmity with the Spirit and the Word (the Word not being the flesh's false understandings of Scripture).
How can Scripture be used and not be the Word? Well, think of when Satan tempted Yahshua. Was that the Word speaking or Satan? It was Scripture being quoted, was it not? Of course it was! Satan can use the Law (Scripture) too. That is the problem with making Scripture into an idol, that is the highest thing in one's life. If Scripture is the highest thing in your life, you've propped the thing up over the creator of the thing.
Is Scripture true and right? Yes, but only when the Spirit is using it and giving it life with the proper use of it. Again, Satan and people can misuse Scripture, and it is at that point no longer the Word of YHWH, but dead letters bringing death. Me love to form opinions in the natural thinking concerning Scripture. One thinks one thing about a subject of Scripture and form a doctrine of men, while another does so but his doctrine disagrees with the first. This is not what we should be doing. We must overcome the old nature, that Ishmael and his false ideas and religion, and his religious cover up, and live according to the new man of the spirit led and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
I've had years of experience ministering to people, though I'm not very old yet (30 today). I grew up as a pastor's son also. I've heard, read, studied, spoke, and acted according to Scripture (as I understood) most of my life. I was hearing the Gospel of Messiah from the time I could understand language. One thing I've seen in all these years, and had I been recording the observations I could now have went from hypothesis to theory to scientific law, is that many people who profess faith in Messiah are readily accepting of Scripture, but few really welcome and live by the Holy Spirit, with the evidences (manifestations) of such.
Why is this? The great conflict - and the majority of believers are loosing this conflict daily. They are letting the natural be in control (on the throne) rather than the spiritual. They equate being religious with being spiritual, which is not true. Unbelievers can be religious - just look at Darwinism - that's a religion, but they aren't beleivers in Messiah - they can give to the poor, do good works, etc. That doesn't make them spiritual. They don't even believe in "spiritual." If you are spiritual, it means you live by the spirit. You think according to the spirit, talk according to the spirit, and walk (live) according to the spirit. If you rather live according to the flesh, you are carnal, whether you believe in Messiah or not.
How do you go from being carnal to spiritual? First is the new birth of the spirit, but then you must stop living by the ways and thoughts of the flesh. Those old thought patterns should not be listened to and obeyed any longer. You have to obey the Spirit's leading now. It may not make since (probably won't) to the natural mind, but you have to follow the Spirit to be considered spiritual. I'm speaking of being spiritual in action, not that you can become more spiritual in your being as you are either born of the Spirit or you are not.
The spirit of most believers in my observation is held captive (prisoner) to the flesh. The will of believers allows this. They will to continue living by the flesh, but religiously according to their understanding of Scripture. Why is this? It is more comfortable. To do otherwise would require warfare (spirit against flesh) and being peculiar (a peculiar people Scripture says). Family and friends will not understand what you are doing when you live by the Spirit. If you are really living by the Spirit (and not some delusion of spiritualism), the family and friends over time will see the results and that the fruit is good. But they still won't understand it.
An example of this is the early Pentecostals (not the originals in Scripture, but speaking of the movement that began over a century ago, which is a part of the Reformation - a continuation, until all truth be returned to and the spotless bride is ready). They were very misunderstood (even persecuted greatly) by other "believers." But, accounts have been on record when pastors who criticized and opposed them and their new "doctrine" of the Holy Spirit would admit that, "They sure do live more blessed lives than we do though." The unbelieving believers (unbelieving the promise of the covenant but believing in Messiah in general) criticized the Pentecostals but recognized the blessings and favor of YHWH on them. What was the problem?
The problem was that the carnally minded Christians could not perceive nor understand the things of the Spirit, and thought such to be foolishness (just as Scripture says, go figure). But, what they could see with their natural minds was the benefits of the spiritual living of the early Pentecostals. The power was there, the blessings, the supernatural growth of the movement, etc. Let us look at the results. 100 years later (a much shorter time period than the Roman Catholic Church has had to grow), the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement of the Holy Spirit has now caught up with (by numbers of people participating in such) the Roman Catholic Church, and long passed every other Christian grouping. The growth rate of this movement is phenomenal, far beyond any growth rate of any natural human religion, Christian or otherwise.
Why? Look at Acts 2 and beyond in Acts. When the Spirit is allowed to work and we stop trying to do it in our own strength (of the flesh), the results are nothing short of miraculous. When we insist on doing things our way and by our own opinions (and formulated doctrines of men), the results are nothing short of pitiful in comparison to what the Holy Spirit can do through willing vessels.
Where are most people getting healed? Among the Spirt-filled ministries. Where are most miracles today taking place? Among and through the Spirit-filled ministries. Why? They are people who decided not to do it in their own strength, but to receive the promises concerning the Holy Spirit and his work through willing vessels. It is not hard for YHWH to heal someone's body. It is hard for a human being to heal another persons body. It is not hard for the Holy Spirit to regenerate a limb on a body. It is hard for a human being to cause another to regenerate a limb, such as a leg. It is not hard for the Holy Spirit to raise the dead. It is very hard for a human being to raise the dead (though through technology they now can bring people back shortly after death, by jump-starting the heart again).
Has any person by natural strength every raised up a single dead person who had been dead for 3 or more days? Not that I've ever heard of. But in Scripture, and in modern times, there are accounts with plenty of witnesses of the dead who were dead for days being raised. Who can do this? The Holy Spirit, the same Spirit who raised Messiah from the dead. If he can raise Lazarus, he can raise anyone he wants to.
See, to the spirit man (the Isaac), the Scripture is alive, meaning it is still living and active. To the natural man (the Ishmael), the Scripture is dead letter written long ago with only "truths" for us today, but not active. In other words, the things we read about the Spirit doing then aren't for us today. Why? Did the Spirit die after the Scripture was written? Is he not the same Spirit yesterday, today, and forever? Ask Smith Wigglesworth - read about him. Thousands of witnesses saw this man in Messiah, by the Holy Spirit who stills does the works to this day, minister to people who had limbs regenerate, instantly healed, the dead raised, thousands come to Messiah, thousands also filled with the Holy Spirit in power to minister, etc. He did a great work in his life time, following after Yahshua and his example, by the power and love of the Holy Spirit. How can he do so and we don't? He received the work of the Holy Spirit, and did not try to minister in his own power.
Doesn't Scripture says, "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says YHWH?" Of course it does! But do the religious Ishmaels believe this? Of course not! They prove by their actions what they really believe. Many act out a belief that the Spirit (and thus YHWH) is dead or inactive today. Now it is up to religious programs of men to get the Kingdom built, according to such doctrines and traditions of men. This is borderline, if not outright, blasphemy they participate in!
The One declares of himself, "I change not" and that he is "the same yesterday, today, and forever," the "who was, who is, and who is to come," eternal in every way, unchanging. Religious thinking of the Ishmael (flesh man) contradicts this and serves a god who changed. He was the healer, but no longer. He was the empowerer of Christians (Acts 1:8, 2, 4, 1 Cor 12, 14, etc.) but no longer. He was the raiser of the dead, but not anymore. He was the miracle worker, but he stopped doing that. The God of much of man's Christian (or Messianic) religion must have retired. He no longer does many or all of the works he used to do.
Gaining converts then becomes the proof that God is at work. But again, Muslim workers make more converts right now worldwide every year than non-pentecostal/charismatic Christians and other groups believing in Messiah (JW's, SDA's, SNr's, etc.). Is YHWH sending his Spirit to have people follow the false prophet Muhammed? Of course not! Converts are no proof of anything other than religious efforts of men convincing other men to join their group. People naturally want to be a part of a group, something greater and more important than themselves. It is not hard to get converts anymore than it is hard to sell a car. If you keep trying, someone will say "yes" eventually. Once enough people are trying, you can sell millions.
So, how can we know we are spiritually winning the conflict, living by the spirit, and not the flesh? Is it by speaking and acting by our understanding of Scripture? No. Your understanding of Scripture (in the natural) is flawed. You know in part, at best, as the apostle Paul said, "We know in part," and he certainly had more revelation of the Kingdom imparted to him than most.
We know we live by the spirit when we do the works of the spirit, which are imparted by the Holy Spirit. Take a look at 1 Cor 12 and ask yourself, "When was the last time I operated in a manifestation of the Spirit mentioned there?" Remember, these are supernatural, not natural like some try to interpret it. It is not natural knowledge, wisdom, discernment, preaching, etc. It is supernatural knowledge (knowledge your mind didn't and couldn't have, but imparted by the all-knowing Spirit), supernatural wisdom, supernatural discernment, supernatural prophesying, etc.
Any born again (of the Spirit) believer can operate in the gifts of the Spirit. There is a further anointing of power (dunamis in the Greek - Acts 1:8) that helps us be ministers of the gospel of the Kingdom - witnesses as Yahshua called us. We are not speaking of that right now - we are speaking of the operations of the Spirit. Anyone born of the Spirit can participate in the manifestation of the Spirit. Yahshua said, "These signs will follow those who believe" which is a promise including all believers. All believers can "they will speak with new tongues" and "they will lay hands on the sick and they shall (not might) recover." All believers can walk in supernatural protection, as it goes on to say. Why did Yahshua say so? Because all children of the Spirit can participate in the further works of the Spirit.
It is the same Spirit who makes a person new in spirit, who heals the sick. It is the same Spirit who gives utterance (whether prophesying or speaking in unknown tongues). It is the same Spirit who works miracles. We are all partakers of that Spirit already if we are born of the Spirit, meaning we have access to all of the works of the Spirit. The issue is not whether we have access or not - the way has been made by Messiah and the veil torn - the issue is whether we live by such or continue living by the flesh but do a religious cover up to appear spiritual (falsely).
I encourage every believer who reads this, YOU CAN OVERCOME THE FLESH! You have access in Messiah to everything you need to overcome. You can live by the Spirit. You do not have to live merely naturally any longer. You can live supernaturally. Only believe and receive, and walk in it. Religious ideas, even those based on Scripture, will be used by the carnal mind to keep you down and defeated (living only naturally, though religiously). Don't listen to those lies. Don't accept defeat! Go into the new covenant land of promise and dwell there, where the honey and milk flows. You do not have to stay in the wilderness any longer.
Are you going be an Isaac or an Ishmael? The decision is yours. YHWH has already made the way for all men to receive salvation and be spiritual children who overcome and conquer with him, establishing his Kingdom on earth as in heaven.
Blessing and peace upon the children of YHWH Elohim!