I noticed you added me to your friends page. I'm not very open with friending just anyone, so I would really like to know a little bit about you and where you found me before friending you back. I noticed we were in quite a few communities together. :)
If you need to know about me and whether we would actually get along, please read this entry, and then drop me a comment here with just a little bit about yourself. :)
Also, if you're just friending me for fic, please friend margots_fic instead.
Comments 2
I noticed you added me to your friends page. I'm not very open with friending just anyone, so I would really like to know a little bit about you and where you found me before friending you back. I noticed we were in quite a few communities together. :)
If you need to know about me and whether we would actually get along, please read this entry, and then drop me a comment here with just a little bit about yourself. :)
Also, if you're just friending me for fic, please friend margots_fic instead.
Thank you! :)
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