The Rantings of a Selfish Man.

Mar 25, 2007 00:29

It seems that I have become a selfish man. Unfortunately, I'm a selfish man with too much time for rational, and not enough for self-righteous ignorance. Confused? Well, I'm sure a year from now I will be reading this too, so allow me:

If you turn back one entry, you'll see a dismissive post of mine. A selfish entry. It says to all those who either genuinely or habitually care about me to stop doing so. Context is key I suppose, so I should mention two things that are the reason for such a delightful piece of literature.

Firstly, I believe that being constantly depressed is rude and selfish. When you are always sad around others, a small selection of outcomes are inevitable. They become obligated to say nice things that virtually always come off as forced, despite actual intent, and it becomes worthless speech. They might also have to start watching what they say around you, fearful that their fortune will cause you to "eeyore" out. Ultimately, the person will desire your company less and less, whether they realize this or not. Nobody likes a constantly sad person. They are too selfish, and it causes the other person to be selfish.

The second thing I must now mention is that I have been more or less constantly depressed since approximately August. It's gotten increasingly worse to the point where I'm a seething mass of bitterness. It's a selfish state that I'm stuck in. I used to be better at masking it. I can still put on a short show for people and seem like everything is awesome, but I feel like my true colors are showing these days and it doesn't fool anyone.

So I made the entry. I'm selfish. There you have it. But here's the thing I still need to say to you: STOP BEING SO FUCKING SELF-RIGHTEOUS! Okay? I know what's wrong with me, and I don't need your insulted ego to counter with pointless maliciousness. I'm sorry if I get irritated after TEN STRAIGHT MINUTES of telling you that I don't want to talk about what's wrong. I'm sorry that you can't let up, and that I hurt your poor little feelings but not wanting to ruin my whole night to indulge your guilt.

So go ahead, think or better yet say your nasty little defensive comments and then be on your way. I'm not sorry that you are too insecure to deal with my selfish bullshit. Or maybe you are even more selfish than I am. Humph!

Heh, I'm really doing a bang up job here, aren't I? ^_^
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