Video Games and all that.

Dec 26, 2006 16:50

Awhile ago my mom surprised me with asking me what I wanted for Christmas. I eventually gave in and told her she could get me an Xbox 360. I want a PS3, but not until Metal Gear Solid 4 comes out, and certainly not at the current price- there was no way I was asking my parents for one. I really want a Wii, but the lack of games means I can wait until Spring for that- and it costs less which means less of a financial burden on me to buy it on my own. Ontop of everything else, it would have been difficult to find for my parents, and I don't want to trouble my parents, when I dont even think they should have really gotten me anything this Christmas.

Another person I dont think should have gotten me anything is my grandma on my dad's side. They are very well off, but they're getting older, money's getting tighter, and my grandpa was recently diagnosed with a very serious illness that requires a lot of medication, tests etc. So I don't want to be a financial burden on them when I am out on my own, making money, etc.

However, she insisted that she's still my grandma, and she'll buy me something whenever she damn well wants. Oh well. I had her get me an extra controller and a game, but begged her not to get both. She replied that he just ordered both and they'll be here on Christmas. Aye yah, grandmas exist to spoil.

So I get here, and it turns out the Wallitsch extended family has gotten into the video game age. All of my cousins have PSPs (omg! other people with PSPs!), Nintendo DSs, Nintendo SPs, Gamecubes, PS2s, etc. I was very surprised at the amount of videogame stuff that was going around at Christmas (we had a big mass Christmas at an Aunt's house).

My cousin Brian, now in his first year at college, was given a PS3 by his mother- who paid the ebay price. I think that's ridiculous to spend that much on a kid, or especially one that old (with the exception of laptops). The PS3 doesn't even have games for it- but he had to have it. Oh well.

Talked with my Uncle Matt about the different consoles, formats, etc. Good conversation. I brought my PSP to Chicago to keep me company of course, so he was commenting how he and everyone else had initially expected the PSP to do better because of the screen etc, but than we discussed all the blunders Sony has made. I'm just rambling now.

OH! Back to the 360 I got for Christmas. I hooked it up at home to my Dad's HDTV. Intially I only hooked it up via the normal cables, because I didn't want to mess around with the back of the TV. The graphics were simply AMAZING, although some of the text was hard to read. I then got overly tempted, and hooked it up to the HDTV- and got even MORE amazed. My GOD, I mean!!

So, I definetly need an HDTV now, but there's no way I can afford with all these expenses coming up.

I also got some gift certificates for Christmas, best buy and Amazon. I think I'm gonna use the Best Buy one for one last Xbox accessory I need (and one I dont really need), and the Amazon one for some more photoshop books. Inok pointed out I dont really need the 2nd accessory (it's a Vision camera, so I can map my face onto my video game character, have a custom online icon, etc), but what else am I gonna spend it on? It's at best buy... Maybe I won't.
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