It's Sunday and I'm cold...

Oct 05, 2008 09:53

Hey ladies!  Thought I would post some random thoughts in my journal today...

Well, it's October 5th and is freakin' cold here!  It's 47 degrees right now outside and inside it is only 59 degrees in my house! Eeek!  I am damn determined NOT to turn the heat on yet.  I did have a goal of waiting until Oct 1st to turn it on, but I'm feeling pretty cheap lately.  We had our first Oil delivery on Wednesday.  Only needed 140 gallons to fill up the tank and it cost us $630!  Yikes.  It's going to be an expensive winter.  You see, we signed a contract with our oil company earlier in the Summer when the prices were expected to keep going up.  We had to lock in the price at $4.49 per gallon in order to NOT prepay.  But, the kicker is that the cash price right now is a lot less than that currently.  Ugh.  Not much we can do about it.  We have to purchase at least 600 gallons this winter from them.  Gotta love Maine winters!

Well, thanks to my lovely husband, I have the beginnings of a cold.  Trying to fight it to its death.  I am using airborne and guzzling water like crazy.  My sore throat come on in an instant yesterday when I got out of the grocery store.  He started with cold symptoms on Monday night.  But, his cold is all gone now.  He may get a cold once every year at the most and it only lasts him about 3 or 4 days.  The lucky bastard.  I'm trying to stay positive and fight the good fight.  Took some benadryl last night and slept like a baby.  I'm going to keep drugging myself and not let it get to me!

It's been hard getting back into the workout routine again.  During vacation, I did not work out for 9 days in a row.  Shame on me.  Although, my foot was thanking me because I was having trouble with Plantar Facsitis (?sp) on my left heel.  After the rest, my foot is all better now.  Although, I have not been running the 20-25 miles per week that I was doing before.  I was supposed to run 6 miles today, but skipped it altogether.  I might go out for a hike later today with Joe & the boyz instead.  I'm kind of in a workout "rut".  Still love the feeling of my endorphine "high" after running, but often dread it at times.  I think I gained about 3 lbs while on vacation.  Not bad, but I need to up my workouts and eat healthier now so I don't slip any further and get to my goal weight.

I had 2 doctors appointments the other day....
Thursday morning, I had to followup with my Rheumatologist, who I really don't care for very much.  He is a stuffy old man and doesn't tell me sh*t.  I refused to have blood work done again, because I think it is bogus that they need to check my blood every 3 months (can you say insurance scam?).  I took myself off the Celebrex 2 months ago, so there is no need for them to repeat my renal function tests.  I have noticed NO change in any symptoms since I stopped the medication.  I'm not having any significant joint pain at all now, aside from the chronic back stuff I often get.  I truely truely believe that I *might* have Fibromyalgia.  Despite HATING that diagnosis, I have researched all of my symptoms until I am blue in the face and can not come up with any other reason for all of my muscle pain.  So, I asked the Rheumatologist about it and he flat out said that I do not have it.  Although, he did not even test any of the trigger points and can not explain why my ANA results were elevated.  Supposedly, he says I have psoratic arthritis.  But, I don't think so.  Whatever.  I'm functioning very well right now and am planning on NOT going back to him again.  He wants to see me in 3 months, but why?  I'm not on meds anymore, and I dislike going there and spending money for nothing.

In the afternoon on Thursday, I had my followup with my Gastroenterologist to discuss my GERD and my *insert embarrassing smilie here* pooping too much problem.  Well, I guess we had some miscommunication at my last appt, because he thought I was going to try to go without the Prevacid for a few days to see if that got rid of the diarrhea problem.  Well, I do NOT remember that conversation.  I remember him telling me to take more Fiberchoice tablets per day because he thinks I have IBS.  We did discuss the prevacid possibly causing the issue, but I don't remember him telling me to stop it.  So, that was his remedy for now.  And, I had to have a right upper quadrant ultrasound on Friday and blood drawn.  To rule out gallbladder disease.  I had it done where I work, so I was able to look up the results in the computer before I left work on Friday.  My organs are all perfect.  The only lab result that was elevated was my ALT result, which was only about 3 points higher than normal range.  Could be elevated due to other issues so I'm not sure if the doctor will want to do any other blood work.  Essentially, I am the picture of health! ;)

So, I have stopped my Prevacid for the past 3 days and my heartburn is ridiculous.  I just had to buy a bunch of extra strength TUMS yesterday.  Haven't had diarrhea since stopping it, so maybe the Prevacid was the problem.  I will attempt to wait it out another 5 days or so to see.  Last resort will be a colonoscopy if my diarrhea doesn't go away with his recommendations to stay off the prevacid and take more inulin (fiber).

They are doing well.  Still high maintenance.  Really wish we had a doggie door because I have let them in and out about 20 times already this morning.  Wally got me up at 7 am this morning (after I had gone back to bed at 5 am when Joe left for work).  I really wanted to sleep longer but oh well.  I need to take some new pictures of them.  It has been over a month now since my last photo session with them.
I need to call the training place to see when the next basic weekend training starts to get Wally signed up.

* Took my new shoes back to JL Coombs in Freeport for a refund.  They didn't have the Miss Moo shoes that I wanted, so I will need to check the Portland store.  If not, then I will stop at Clarks and check out some styles.  I need a black pair and brown pair of comfortable work/dress shoes.

* Thursday is my birthday and we don't have any plans.  We are both working and if we do anything, we will probably go out to dinner next weekend to celebrate both of our birthdays (his is on the 15th).  Don't have any desire for a gift, just want a few new pairs of shoes and maybe we will get us a new coffee maker.  We want a new TV stand and linen cabinet from HomeDecorators so maybe that we be our gift to each other (if the finances hold out).  I'll just be happy if I get a card from Joe.  We didn't even exchange cards on our anniversary.  We are becoming lame.

* We watched "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" last night.  It was hillarious!  I LOVED it!  So freakin' funny and romantic too.  We saw "Deception" with Ewin McGreggor the other day.  Another good movie too.  Today, we are going to watch "Leatherheads" which I'm hoping is good too.  Last week, we watched "Reservation Road" which was sooooo good too!  Been on a roll so far with good movies.  Usually, I pick out crappy ones.

* The Redsox have their 3rd Wildcard game tonight against the Angels, at home.  If they win, then they advance!  Keeping my fingers crossed!  GO SOX!  Oh, and GO PATS today too... not counting on it though.

* Last but certainly not least, I finally got the nerve a few weeks ago, and got a bikini wax.  Never had one and got a modified Brazillian.  Ouchie.  I did really well, was "stoic" according to my esthetist.  Afterwards, it looked liked I had been out in the sun for hours and got sunburned.  Then, I ended up with red spots for a few weeks.  Now it is looking better.  I will probably do it again, but will go full Brazillian.  If I'm going to go through that much pain and embarrassment, I should at least be hair free.  Right?  HAHAHA!!!

Well, girls, I've totally *shared* way too much with you now.  Must go and start chefing up my carrot loaf for dinner tonight!  And, I'm going to make an apple crisp for Joe today too! Mmmmm!


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