Oh boy, more snow! And other excitement here in Maine...

Mar 01, 2008 09:21

Spring is only 20 days away.  Well, girls, it looks like we will not be having Spring here in Maine this year.  Unless it really starts to warm up and melt the huge snowbanks soon.

Will it ever stop snowing here?  They are predicting another 6-10" of snow in my area today.  My mom's town is expecting another foot or more.  Speaking of Fryeburg, I was there on Thursday and oh.my.god.!  I have NEVER seen so much snow in the entire 35 years of my life!  The snowbanks on both sides of the road are higher than the cars.  The snowbanks in parking lots look like mountains.  My mom's back door is blocked by about 8 feet of snow that has fallen off the roof.  I took pictures of this insanity on my cellphone, but I'm not sure if I have an adapter to load the pictures onto my computer.  I will have to try because you all would not believe how crazy it is.  I'm so glad I live 70 miles east of her house, closer to the ocean because we have maybe a third the amount of snow as she has there.

The weather is just really depressing.  I had to postpone my hair appt which was scheduled for today because the traveling is so bad.  I have gift certificates for shopping that I wanted to use in Portland on my few days off this week, but it is supposed to storm again Tues and Wed this coming week.  I will be staying close to home for the next 5 days I guess.  I feel like we have been hibernating for 4 months.  Spring clothes are out in the stores and I have no desire to buy anything new because all I want to do is curl up on the couch in my fleece pjs (which, btw, I am doing right now.HA!).

One thing to be thankful about is that I bought my new wheels in December.  I can't imagine having to drive the Buick in this crap.  My Tucson does not have 4 wheel drive (just front wheel) but it really goes very well in the snow.  I love it.

I finally took down the Xmas tree last weekend.  LMAO!  Although, I am really bummed because I broke the best ornament.  It was a 2004 Redsox Championship ball that lit up.  It fell and smashed into little pieces.  There is no replacement for that collectors item.  Oh well.  Just call me butterfingers.

Oh, I went to the doctors on Monday.  Remember  how I was mentioning the throat tightness that I have been having last week?  Well, it continued into Monday and was very worrisome to me.  The doctor doesn't think it is my esophagus, he thinks it is my trachea.  So, he referred me to a ENT (ear, nose, and throat) doctor.  I go to see this doctor on Tuesday, at the hospital where I work.  I was hoping this little annoyance would go away before then and that I could cancel the appt, but it hasn't.  It feels like someone/something is choking me all.the.time.  Feels like there is a knot stuck in my throat, like when you get pills stuck.  I am breathing okay.  But, I also have a tremendous amount of heart burn/reflux lately.  Prilosec is NOT working.  Usually about 4 hours after I eat, the heartburn starts again and I have to take some TUMS.  Geez, I'm falling apart at the ripe old age of 35.  So, I am going back to see my gastroenterologist in April (that was the earliest appt they could give me) to talk about my reflux.  I've never had an EGD done and think now may be the time.  On a positive note, at least it is reducing my appetite.  Maybe I can lose a few of these unwanted pounds that I have gained during hibernation.

I got out of work early yesterday for my facial.  It was lovely.  She was really nice (I had never had a facial there before, actually have only had one in my lifetime).  It was a 30 min facial for $30 special and they give you a free Dermatologica sample pack which is worth $30.  She said I had really nice skin, which I was surprised to hear.  I have never liked my skin, but I was flattered.  She said that I should get a facial every 3 months just for a deep cleaning.  I'm thinking that is doable.  Nice way to pamper myself.  I like the Dermatologica stuff they gave me too.  Feels really nice on my skin.  I'm hoping I see positive changes to my skin within the month.  Oh, and she recommended Bare Minerals makeup, so I may check that out too.  She said they have some deals on Amazon.com, so I will look that up this weekend.  I'm in Maine and we do not have stores that sell that here (unless Macy's now carries it).

I have Mon, Tues, and Wed OFF!  Celebrate!  I have been struggling with planning/not planning my time off.  I am such a freakin' planner that it is so hard for me to not have structure.  I made a list of things that I need to get done this weekend.  I'm hoping that I can get a lot of it done this weekend so that I don't have to do it on those three days off, which should be reserved for just relaxation.  Part of me want to overhaul the house and clean like a maniac for three days.  But, the other side of me says, "why should I take 3 precious vacation days to clean the stupid house when Joe would never consider doing that with his time off?"  Right?  There are so many things that need to be done around the house but why should I bear the brunt of it?  Am I just being lazy?

The pups have been super good lately.  Wally has let us sleep through the night now for over a week!  Go Wally!  I think finally his bladder/bowels have found a routine and I'm hoping it stays that way.  He's so freakin' cute too.  Has so much personality.  His name really fits him well.  Shhhh... don't tell Papi but I really think Wally is smarter than Papi.  I tell him to go get the toy and bring it inside and he does.  Papi would NEVER do that.  I think Wally understands the english language better than Papi.  Papi is still my cuddle bug and much much sweeter than Wally.  Wally is a sweetheart, but is more independant.  I just love my boys to pieces.  Oh, and crazy me was daydreaming on the way to work the other day about how fun it would be to get a little chocolate girl to complete our family.  :eek:  What am I, nuts?  I think probably.  Heehee.  Girls, it just a dream, I will not be going there.  Not even going to mention it to Joe, because he would probably go for it.  Although, I would love a little chocolate girlie to dress up in cute little pink or light purple collars.  :)

Oh, and the BIGGEST news of all.....
Yesterday at work, they announced a HUGE change.  The hospital has been SOLD to another hospital group.  No longer is our hospital owned by the Seventh Day Adventist church, it is owned by CMMC (Central Maine Medical Center)!!!!  :eek:  What does that mean for me?  For my job and the luxury of having 4 ten hour days per week?  Guess time will tell as to what changes are coming down the pike.  I'm thinking there will be a lot of change in Administration.  I'm wondering if my boss is going to stick it out.  He is Seventh day and says that he is going to REFUSE to cook pork and shellfish if they (the CMMC group) decide they want to control our menus.  I'm pretty nervous about my job.  Not sure what the future will hold.  I need to just take it one day at a time.  Keep my eyes open for other job listings in my area, just in case.  I love my job, I'm hoping it doesn't change much.

Okay, I have babbled enough for a Saturday morning....


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