I just discovered the greatest thing of all time. Okay, perhaps that is a hyperbole, but it really is the most wonderful computer application I've come across in a while. Unfortunately, it has the effect of making me love my Mac even more and now I'm even more tempted to get a Mac as my next computer. Ah, curse you Apple with your attractive and functional product line. If any of my more computer savvy friends can help me out in the process of what to get for my future computer, please tell me! I get the feeling that med students tend to purchase laptops so I may get one, but which one? But then if laptops aren't necessary for lectures, should I go with a desktop since they tend to be more stable and have more power? I'm not a gamer and I never had the pleasure of watching movies on my computer so I don't need too many bells and whistles. Had I not been blessed with a G5 at work, I think my standards would be fairly low since my current computer is a Dell desktop that is pretty much ancient. I know my CS friends would cringe when I asked them to help with my computer mishaps because they didn't enjoy dealing with it. I don't blame them. My computer currently runs slower than molasses. It takes 10 -15 mins to fully boot!! Please, I know you sympathize.
Desktop, laptop, tablet PC, the choices are endless. Argh, I don't know what to choose. Well, I have a year to decide. Maybe I'll actually learn something from my research on computers. For now, reading reviews of computers is somewhat akin to reading a James Joyce novel. Okay, maybe not that difficult as I've really yet to break Finnegan's Wake. (As an aside, if I could devote my time to deciphering that work, assuming I have unlimited references available, I think it would be a satisfying, albeit infuriating, endeavor.)
Oh, but as for the above proclamation, I have discovered
Quicksilver. Ah, the power of functionality. It is truly wonderful. Unfortunately, my computer level doesn't allow me to fully exploit this application to its full potential, but I'm slowly learning it as well as all that there is to my Mac. I don't know how I'll be able to give up this computer when I leave *tears*.