Jul 27, 2007 09:47
To take a page out of Brynn's book I'll update about a dream I had last night. I was arriving to my first triathlon [don't know where... seemed like the neighborhood Kyle South lives in for some reason] and I saw my old buddy Jeremy [who my parents were talking about the other night]. I wanted him to experience a triathlon and I just happened to have a tandem bike along with my road bike [which my road bike actually looked like Cameron's bike, dunno what's up with that] so he agreed to do it as a team. I don't recall the swim at all, but then we got onto the tandem. We weren't doing so hot and then we crashed. Either Jeremy didn't want to get back on or I was fed up with going slow so I took off on it and went back to the transition area. The clock said 1:06 and I decided I would just get my bike from the transition area and finish the last two loops on that. Well my bike wasn't there, so I put on what I thought were my shoes. They weren't. They were just a little big. I took someone else's running shoes! I couldn't help but think how upset they would be when they got back to T2 and didn't have any running shoes to wear for the run. Since most people had already started the run I figured I'd just do the run. I was talking to the race director and he said I could probably do the [3 mile] run in about 33 minutes. I said "I can do it in 25" so I took off on the first loop. I started to get passed by this guy who was doing 6:40 miles and once he got past me I woke up.
Weird huh?