Mar 30, 2012 19:08
So, my brother gets a PS3 for christmas. One of these games happens to be Dragon Age Origins, which I have never heard of or seen before. Now, I haven't played video games for a few years. One day I'm bored and I start playing......suffice to say I got hooked.
Got Dragon Age II and immdiately I'm flying out of my seat romancing Fenris and squealing to death every time he speaks. I recently started to write a fan fic pairing the two together. Fenris comes across Zevran who was injured in helping Hawke fight and has to nurse him back to health. Claiming he is keeping the other elf around to ask him questions but so far Fenris has asked the elf nothing. As the weeks roll by Fenris begins to find himself growing more and more attached to the golden haired elf.
I also included in the story (Which is called Assassin's Touch) a look into the past where Zevran fell in love with Howl, the Grey Warden. I actually find as I'm typing to becoming more attached to Howl, Zevran, and Fenris as they're pratically leaping off the page. I'm almost done with the first draft at the story even though I've only posted a dozen of the thirty so chapters I've typed so far.
Already I'm sad the story is almost over. I was actually considering launching another Zevran/Fenris pairing since there are so fics of the two of them together. In this next fic however the DA Universe would be "modernized" as in cars, computers, street lights, etc. I had this image of Fenris blazing down the highway on a motorcycle on his way to kick someone's ass. The worlds would still exist, of course, but drastically changed in terms of how people got around.
Zevran would be a top knotch player in this world, one of those guys who picks up a new girl almost every night. Though in Zevran's defense these women know perfectly well it is only a physical relationship rather than a real one. Both parties always know exactly what they're getting into. In this one I would make Howl alive in the present day, minuse the whole Archdemon thing. Though I just may make the Archdemon a company Howl wants to bring down due to their unethical business dealings.
Not quite sure how I would pull Fenris and Zevran together, though I did having a passing idea of perhaps making it that Zevran is hired with the task of getting rid of former Tevinter lap dogs. Fenris would be the leader of an underground movement to free slaves from Tevinter and bringing down the magisters. I'm excited just thinking about it. XD Need a title though, can't think of a title.