Holy freaking dooley!!!!

Nov 29, 2008 16:12

I..... am...... absolutley....... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hubby, after being a snot face for the last month, ditched me to go to SBR (stone brothers racing) today... of all F*ing days.

I am so grateful to cousin Cels for being a complete bookworm and loving Marianne De Pierres as much as I do. We went to the book launch of Caos Space together. KID FREE TIME WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Darth was there, Storm Troopers were there... pretty sure there were some Dune people, an ocestra were playing John Williams scores. There was even a Tardis.

Best of all was the book launch.

Never been to one, but it was interesting. *pulls my imaginary suspenders out like a dork* Marianne even mentioned me in her speach. (OMFG!!!) I was floored. All I did was read her books and turn up to a few events. She's given me so so so much more than that. Now I just have to keep my eye on the ball and make her help and instruction into a functioning written experience.

Kylie Chan had her books available for sale... Cels bought the current trilogy.... and it was the last copy of Red Dragon DAMNIT!!! Oh well at least I can borrow her copy when I'm done reading my haul from the library and the copy of Caos Space that I waited so patiently to buy from the launch to avoid getting it from boarders.

All in all it was a nice morning. I have my complete collection of Marianne Books, all signed.
I'm stoaked.
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