You guys. This is the best show in the whole wide world of all time ever. Or maybe I just have an inexplicable hard-on for JoFine and his perfect-for-this-role ambiguous acting... IDK.
I can't even gather my thoughts right now I'm just so overwhelmed with the amount of information this show presents us with and throws at us right out of the ballpark. There are reasons and backstories established for everyone but Merlin, really, and you get a sense of each character and their personality.
I have too many thoughts rn. I'll need to rewatch this ep like 5 more times before I really organize them, but I love this show and I'm looking forward to the fandom.
THANK FUCK FOR THIS SHOW. That's all I'm saying.
brb making millions of Camelot icons because I NEEDZ THEM
But also working on beta'ing because I have a plan to get things done today! woo!
also also for anyone interested, there's already a Camelot anon meme
camelot_gossip ETA anyone wanna get together and make some comms for this fandom? camelot_slash or camelot_multis or camelotfic?