Title: Another Day
Pairing: Krystal-centric, Krystal/Sehun, Sehun/Lu Han
Rating: R
Summary: Krystal had grown up a lot in the last four years. She still had a temper, still stubborn and too quick with her words, but she had learned to harness these qualities to tame what life threw at her, because it could be so unexpected, difficult, and amazing.
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Her mother had wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at her when she saw Jongin and Krystal had been horrified that her mother had just wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
Sehun visibly deflated.
lol at these
The swell of affection Krystal felt for Sehun at that moment bloomed warm and solid in her chest. "Maybe later?"
I can really relate to this line because I've felt that so many times
The thought of waking up in that bed, wrapped in Sehun's arms, the morning light streaming in through the window flashed across Krystal's mind and she flushed. She wanted to drag Sehun back into the room and push him into bed. Fuck the entrance exams.
so cute
He looked up at her, his face flushed and Krystal could see, still so full of love for her. She was going to take this moment and keep it safe, deep in her heart, where no one can ever take it from her. It would be hers alone even if the rest belonged to Lu Han.
very sad yet sweet. love this line
And ;~~~~~~~; I love you so much for pointing out the parts you liked ;~~~~;
I'm so glad you enjoyed it and thank you again for your wonderful comment. ♥
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