(no subject)

Feb 25, 2005 10:45

I woke up really late today (well, late for me seeing as though Gabby wakes me up around 8:30 am every morning). I wish Brad would hurry up and install that Radio Fence so Gabby can't leave our yard. She almost ran away again today, but just ended up in our neighbor's yard.

We're behind on our bills (again). I even reminded Brad to grab the gas bill (which is due today and will be "deliquent" on Monday) but, once again, he forgot it and blew past it on his way out for work this morning. It sucks not having any control over bills. I can't pay rent because I'm not on his account...I can't pay our phone, electricity, or gas because I'm not one his account...The one thing I have control over is our car insurance - and he set up for that to come out directly from his account now too! What's worse, I used to be able to at least check to see when it was due, but I forgot our PIN number (not the username or password, but the PIN number...which I'm almost certain I've NEVER known) and USAA only lets you attempt it twice before it locks you out and you have to call them to give you the number and let you back in. SUCKVILLE!

I want to go see that movie "Spanglish" tonight..it looks cute. There's not really anything to do around here and it sucks. We're going to attempt to head out to Vicenza (Army base) this weekend, but I think it's supposed to snow there. I don't know if I want to forge out in fresh snow if this place is so bass-ackwards and doesn't get the concept of a snow plow. Seriously, when it snowed 6 inches here earlier this week, Brad had to drive through fresh powder all the way to the base doing 20 mph. The only thing they plowed (with fork lifts, mind you...well, fork lifts with a plow attatchment - but that's so ghetto!) was the flight line...and they ended up not even flying that day *shakes head*.

Yesterday I hung out with Janel and Xander...it was good to get out and do a little shopping around with her. We found this cute nursery set (crib bedding/borders, musical wall art, baby lamp, growth chart, certificate frames, etc) all in this cute "Jungle Babies" theme. It's still neutral, because my ultrasound appointment isn't until the 16th, so it's very appropriate. I had to put it on layaway (my first experience with that wonder) because I didn't have the debit card...and this weird hispanic guy was eyeing the last one (which I had in my hands) and was on his cell telling his wife about. Bitch! It's now mine...in about a month..but whatever. We haven't even had Brad's dad send the crib and changing table yet, so it's not like we're in big demand yet...Anyway, this got really long pretty fast, so I'm gonna go
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