Somewhat new year's resolutionish but not really because I probably will forget all about them by March.
1. Chill the fuck out.
2. Stop wondering what my cat is doing when I'm not home.
3. Don't fail fake college.
4. Eat more bacon.
5. Hang out with
Angie more often.
6. Eat whatever the fuck I want to and never ever go on a diet because diets are a tool of "the man" to keep you down and buy tiny pants.
7. Stop judging people on the basis of their understanding of the possessive and plural 's'. Unless they're complete morons otherwise. Then it's okay.
8. Go at least one month without buying anything that's not food or gasoline.
9. Drive to and from work at least once without flipping anyone off or screaming expletives.
10. Go one day without making a dick joke at work. Same goes for ball jokes.
11. Don't blow all the student loan money on stupid shit, like a computer or the internet and definitely not credit card bills.
I think this is a pretty definitive list. Best of luck to me on all this bullshit.