Relationships in Bete Noire

May 21, 2010 20:01

Last update: May 21, 2010

Loved ones and strongest connections:

Eli Wallace [ mit_dropout ]
Steady boyfriend, easily the one person in Bete Noire the part of Needy that's still a teenaged girl feels closest to. They both arrived in the city around the same time and bonded over Eli's recent posession by a demon; they quickly became friends and then in very short time progressed to dating. Needy feels very protective of Eli especially since his transformation into a vampire. She is always honest with him and enjoys spending time with him; he's the one she could be said to be most "normal" around. The attraction between them is strong but due to a sort of mutual shyness hasn't progressed to a sexual level yet.

River Tam [ she_was_a_gift ]
Best friend, occasional confidante, sister in arms. Needy spent very little time unnerved by River's mind-reading in favor of feeling relief over the fact that someone understood her. They spend most of their time together doing things normal teenage girls like to do, but when danger strikes or darkness appears they become a joint force to be reckoned with. Needy hasn't become fully fluent in River-speak quite yet but when River is having a bad day she still does what she can to help and understand her. River has been there to help Needy in some bad times and in return she does what she can to bring her friend out of her shell.

Ba'al [ omnomgoauld ]
Employer, surrogate father figure, sometimes lover. Needy got lucky early on finding a job as "muscle" for one of Bete Noire's most notorious occupants. Ba'al may have plans for Needy that involve a sort of corruption, but so far she certainly has no complaints. The dynamic between them is complicated and somewhat twisted, in that Needy can be business-like with him but also yearns for his approval and affection, which sometimes crosses over into the bedroom. Ba'al has showed a mostly softer side toward Needy and has looked after her well-being, so she doesn't quite understand why so many others give Ba'al a more negative reaction.

Rachel Conway Hill [ notvictorymarch ]
Older sort of role model, strong acquaintence. Needy hasn't known Rachel for very long yet, but due to the woman's friendly and open nature, and her willingness to both share and listen without judging, she already thinks very highly of Rachel and would be willing to do a lot to help her. More recently she's offered to work as a photographer for Rachel's newspaper.

Inara Serra [ schooledinlies ]
Experienced confidante and source of advice, surrogate family member; not necessarily a mother figure but maybe more of an older sister. Needy thinks of Inara as someone who can be relied on in times of trouble and is good at keeping secrets. She often goes to her for romantic and personal advice, and feels that Inara is as protective of Ba'al as she is.

Frank Bannister [ ghostwrangler ]
Possible friend, kindred spirit. Needy tends to joke around Frank a lot and sometimes sounds dismissive or even rude, but in truth she is quite fond of him and wouldn't mind becoming closer. Though Frank is older than her she doesn't think of him as an "adult" but as an equal, due in part to his light-hearted nature and also things she feels they have in common.

Connections and acquaintences:


rp: bete noire, puppet

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