Abilities cheatsheet

Apr 06, 2010 07:55

This list will be edited as/if changes are made.

Can't bench-press a car, but can throw someone a couple times her size across the room. Puts a sizable amount of force behind attacks. Walked through a chain-link fence without slowing down and left a 'her' shaped hole. Put out solid window frame and a very thick chunk of wall in a single blow. No actual combat training; seems to prefer kicking attacks.

Can float just about as high as she wants to, when focused. Can move in the air but not very fast; hovering versus actual flight.

Occasionally prone to visual hallucinations, typically grim in nature, which overlap on top of things around her in real life. The things she sees, however, tend to be related to actual events that have occured or are going on elsewhere. Aware of hallucinatory nature of these sights; relatively blase about it. Trigger/occurence of visions is random, uncommon.

Heightened Senses:
Slightly enhanced sense of smell and hearing. Can see better than a normal human in the dark.

Sixth Sense:
Able to sense if other individuals around her are unnatural, otherworldly or have inhuman powers. Can tell a few things about the nature of their power; once she's met a certain type of ability she can usually identify it on sight after that (IE, once she meets a werewolf, she can specfically tell right away if someone else is a werewolf). Only works on powers that have been granted supernaturally. Only able to sense in-person, not in video or over phone. Only able to sense in living beings/individuals, not objects or areas.

Enhanced Healing:
None, so far. Now that she's become a full succubus, Needy has a superhuman healing factor. When injured she heals at a greatly accelerated rate and thus is capable of taking great amounts of damage. The only way to effectively kill her is by stabbing her through the heart.

Seduction Abilities:
Able to occasionally emit a faint 'aura' of lust, making herself more 'desired' by those she aims it towards. Can be resisted with will-power. Right now unaware of ability's existence; triggers accidentally though not necessarily involuntary. With her transformation into being a full succubus Needy is now aware of this power and has complete control over it. Also the strength of the arousal she induces in others is much stronger -it can still be fought or resisted but with much greater difficulty. She also constantly emits a faint supernatural aura, one that makes her if not desired than certainly noticed by others around her immediately.

Not a power so much as a survival necessity. As a succubus Needy needs to replenish her strength by killing a human and eating parts of their body at the rate of at least about one every week. If she fails to do so she becomes tired and weaker, losing most of her healing abilities and taking on a sickly physical appearance.

canon, mundane

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