Is There a Doctor in the House pt.2

Jan 14, 2011 20:32

Author: Sheryllx
Title: Is there a Doctor in the House? pt.2
Fandom: Being Human/Doctor Who
Rating: U
Spoilers: None
Plot: The Doctor and Donna meet the trio in their pink house..

Part 1 over here

‘So, you're a timelord then?' Annie asked 'Isn't that like what buzz lightyear does in toy story? Space travel and things? Oohh is he real too?!'
'Annie, Buzz Lightyear doesn't exist' George replied as he followed them into the lounge

'Oh yes he does' the Doctor replied 'Well, sort of, well, he's related anyway. So sorry you're a ghost..'
'Ghost, Werewolf and vampire. Not all together of course, that'd be awkward wouldn't it? A ghost that was a werewolf AND a vampire...' Annie said nervously laughing 'No one of each here' she said grabbing the biscuit tin of mitchell who was snacking before passing it to the doctor and Donna who took one each.

'Riiiight' the doctor said looking around confused before Donna chipped in
'What seriously? You're joking aren't you? I mean, okay, i can believe he's a vampire' Donna said gesturing at Mitchell 'who else would stare that intensely and wear full black in the middle of summer with no curtains open!'

'Donna' the doctor began, trying to stop her before she got herself in trouble. again.
'But you, you're far too perky to be dead and you..' she said looking at George and started to giggle which made George look around, not quite getting the joke. 'I mean, you're not a werewolf, come on. Aren't they supposed to be scary?'
'I'll have you know on a full moon i'm very scary!' George said in defence
'Yes. he is. I've seen him, it's not good' Annie replied

'And just because I wear black and I'm not a fan of the sun that automatically makes me a vampire? That's so sterotypical.' He said before noticing the look Donna was giving him and nodded, she was right.
'Yes, well, anyywaayy' The Doctor said interrupting 'Why are you living in Bristol? Under the shadow proclamation protocol 45(a), that gave supernaturals their own planet in the gardol galaxy? Why are you on Earth in the 21st century? What happened?'
'Come again' Mitchell asked

'We have our own planet?!' Annie asked 'Like a planet just for ghosts, vampires and werewolves!' Her eyes lit up in glee 'Mitchell! You never told us we had our own planet'
'I didn't know?!' he said 'No one told me, are you being serious?'
'Yes! So how did you get here?' the Doctor asked scanning their pink home with his sonic screwdriver 'There must've been a flux or something' He siad as he pressed his ear to the walls, climbing onto the sofa.
'Hey! Mind where you're stepping!' George said tidying up the mess the doctor was leaving behind him.

Annie was mid flow of the trios story of how they arrived in Bristol when Donna chipped in, 'How many cups of tea have you made?'

television: doctor who, fanfiction, television: being human

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