Torchwood... (spoilers)

Jul 09, 2009 17:07

After reading the rumors and the reaction posts/commentaries on my flist, I've decided that I just don't have the heart to finish Children of Earth. I may have say more about it later, but right now, I just... don't care. I don't even care enough to be mad. I don't understand a show that kills off over half the cast in a handful of episodes and still expects the fans to keep emotionally investing. I started watching this series for the characters and the interaction not the alien-of-the-week. There's just no one left that I really connect with now.

It's a shame, because I was really excited for this miniseries. Now I don't give a shit.

Oh, and anyone who plans to gloat or point out how amusing you find all of this... stay off my journal. I'm not in the mood right now.

tv: torchwood

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